Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (3) Rating Gameaccounts History Philip 'Phil' Lassen id: 8903380 created Platform action 09/02/15 14:55h first_login_default 09/02/15 15:29h register_team Deleted account (8903451) 15/05/16 09:38h register_team Deleted account (10119666) 05/06/16 07:41h register_team Deleted account (10169096) 05/06/16 07:52h register_team Deleted account (10169185) 24/06/16 12:58h register_team Deleted account (10215996) 24/06/16 13:16h register_team Deleted account (10216038) 07/07/16 07:33h join_team Deleted account (2977403) 07/07/16 08:04h leave_team Deleted account (2977403) 11/01/20 12:01h register_team Deleted account (14571493) 11/01/20 12:04h register_team Deleted account (14571549) 02/05/20 10:10h join_team The Lunatic Asylum PTSD (15497284) 29/07/20 16:05h leave_team The Lunatic Asylum PTSD (15497284) 16/08/20 13:14h register_team Deleted account (16095935) 16/01/21 14:07h join_team Ares Gaming (16501318) 01/06/21 11:25h join_roster for team #16501318 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #1 Germany #223560 by #16501312 08/06/21 08:50h join_roster for team #16501318 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #2 Germany #223561 by #16501312