Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History dOMM id: 8941602 created Platform action 25/02/15 12:34h first_login_default 25/02/15 12:45h register_team eSpankers (8941636) 22/01/16 12:43h join_team 0 Pugs Given (9777332) 18/08/16 16:25h join_team obvious hacks (10394993) 11/09/16 13:22h join_team Millwall Bushwackers (10280120) 26/09/16 13:44h join_team To Be Discussed (10504814) 03/10/16 13:51h team_kick To Be Discussed (10504814) / by Deleted account (9944261) 10/10/16 12:04h team_kick Millwall Bushwackers (10280120) / by Deleted account (8742635) 02/01/17 21:48h join_team uFrag (10017478) 02/01/17 21:52h leave_team obvious hacks (10394993) 22/04/17 15:20h join_team RADIX Esports (11227068) 16/07/19 14:54h join_team London Esports (13853396) 06/09/19 15:59h join_team the boys (14097787) 08/10/23 23:37h team_kick uFrag (10017478) / by Daemon (3) 08/10/23 23:37h team_kick the boys (14097787) / by Daemon (3) 08/10/23 23:37h team_kick eSpankers (8941636) / by Daemon (3) 08/10/23 23:37h team_kick London Esports (13853396) / by Daemon (3) 08/10/23 23:37h team_kick 0 Pugs Given (9777332) / by Daemon (3) 08/10/23 23:37h team_kick RADIX Esports (11227068) / by Daemon (3)