lokobaba  id: 8950958
created Platform action
01/03/15 15:50h first_login_default 
02/03/15 15:01h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AIM Weekly Cup #13 Europe
04/03/15 13:19h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AIM Weekly Cup #13 Europe
20/05/17 04:01h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 17 (PS4) Soccerdays Online Qualifier #12 Europe
21/05/17 09:32h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 17 (PS4) Soccerdays Online Qualifier #13 Europe
23/05/17 13:55h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 17 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #27 Europe
29/05/17 19:04h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 17 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #28 Europe
29/05/17 19:04h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 17 (PS4) Soccerdays Online Qualifier #15 Europe
06/06/17 17:31h join_team  NEWORLDORDER (11373536)
24/08/17 18:12h register_team  Deleted account (11658017)
24/08/17 18:12h register_team  Deleted account (11658018)
24/08/17 18:12h register_team  Deleted account (11658019)
24/08/17 18:12h register_team  Deleted account (11658020)
24/08/17 18:12h register_team  Deleted account (11658021)
24/08/17 18:12h register_team  Deleted account (11658022)
24/08/17 18:12h register_team  Deleted account (11658023)
24/08/17 18:17h leave_team  NEWORLDORDER (11373536)
27/09/17 16:20h join_team  NEWORLDORDER (11373536)
14/10/17 19:05h join_team  Revenge of Nobility (9528210)
14/02/18 12:38h join_team  viP (11529811)
22/04/18 20:43h leave_team  NEWORLDORDER (11373536)
22/04/18 20:44h leave_team  viP (11529811)
22/04/18 20:46h leave_team  Revenge of Nobility (9528210)
22/04/18 20:47h register_team  Deleted account (12430040)
22/04/18 20:47h register_team  Deleted account (12430041)
07/07/18 15:59h join_team  viP (11529811)
07/07/18 16:29h join_team  Deleted account (12618843)
11/07/18 11:56h leave_team  viP (11529811)
13/07/18 08:25h join_league  ESL Play For Honor (PC) 1on1 Open Cup #10 Global
13/07/18 08:26h join_league  ESL Play For Honor (PC) 1on1 Open Cup #11 Global
13/07/18 08:31h join_league  ESL Play PLAYERUNKNOWN’s Charity Challenge Cup #3 Turkey
13/07/18 08:31h leave_league  ESL Play PLAYERUNKNOWN’s Charity Challenge Cup #3 Turkey
27/10/18 09:02h join_team  viP (11529811)
27/10/18 21:09h join_team  Deleted account (12955214)
14/11/18 14:52h leave_team  viP (11529811)
25/11/18 15:26h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 19 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
25/11/18 15:28h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Autumn Cup #5 Europe
25/11/18 19:32h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #9
02/12/18 07:33h join_team  Deleted account (12573278)
08/12/18 21:58h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #10
11/12/18 11:42h join_league  ESL Play For Honor (PC) 1on1 Open Cup #28 Global
14/12/18 15:50h join_team  viP (11529811)
14/12/18 15:52h join_team  noTactix R6 (13032398)
14/12/18 17:04h team_kick  Deleted account (12573278) / by anan (11231326)
15/12/18 13:10h leave_team  viP (11529811)
15/12/18 13:11h leave_team  Deleted account (12618843)
16/12/18 11:43h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #11
29/12/18 10:52h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #13
30/12/18 16:44h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Christmas cup Europe 2018
31/12/18 02:19h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #14
07/01/19 19:14h inactivity_kick  ESL Play FIFA 19 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
13/01/19 09:41h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #15
13/01/19 17:22h join_league  ESL Play Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #16
03/03/19 13:21h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #7 Europe
04/07/19 15:47h team_kick  Deleted account (12955214) / by HORKING-.- (12680214)
28/07/19 11:56h team_kick  noTactix R6 (13032398) / by d3naTi (10682731)