created | Platform | action |
28/03/15 15:15h | first_login_default | |
28/03/15 15:28h | first_login_esltv | |
18/04/15 15:11h | join_team Deleted account (9054409) | |
03/06/15 11:27h | join_team Rich Monkeys (9151479) | |
13/06/15 10:22h | join_team Deleted account (9172542) | |
21/07/15 12:07h | join_team team Teardrops (9256976) | |
21/07/15 17:53h | leave_team Deleted account (9054409) | |
21/07/15 18:01h | leave_team Rich Monkeys (9151479) | |
07/08/15 09:28h | register_team Deleted account (9299818) | |
12/09/15 03:24h | team_kick Deleted account (9172542) / by Deleted account (8888045) | |
27/09/15 07:53h | join_team ZYLEX Esports (9447604) | |
02/10/15 10:15h | register_team BlackSheeps (9460492) | |
23/10/15 11:28h | join_team underdog. (9280800) | |
22/11/15 06:08h | join_team AVENTIC eSports (9570841) | |
06/12/15 07:02h | team_kick AVENTIC eSports (9570841) / by Deleted account (8989631) | |
13/12/15 05:54h | join_team teamFL (9646287) | |
17/12/15 09:31h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 X-mas Cup Europe | |
22/12/15 10:13h | register_team DynamicDuo (9693341) | |
30/12/15 16:08h | first_login_esltv | |
02/01/16 19:56h | join_team EKWB (9724270) | |
09/01/16 05:44h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
10/01/16 06:09h | join_team uNsToP.ABLE (9686530) | |
10/01/16 07:49h | leave_team ZYLEX Esports (9447604) | |
10/01/16 07:54h | leave_team teamFL (9646287) | |
15/01/16 11:28h | join_team teamFL (9646287) | |
22/01/16 11:33h | join_team to be determined (9777671) | |
24/01/16 17:53h | leave_team uNsToP.ABLE (9686530) | |
12/02/16 10:15h | join_team valamicsapat (9453936) | |
14/02/16 10:37h | team_kick valamicsapat (9453936) / by Destiny (7859880) | |
19/02/16 10:46h | join_team TANK.8THFLOOR (9887375) | |
21/02/16 19:19h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
06/03/16 07:49h | join_team turM1X (9756912) | |
22/04/16 11:43h | join_team noobs (10057103) | |
29/04/16 11:45h | join_team (10027356) | |
04/06/16 08:13h | join_team PlayWithSoul csgo (10024737) | |
26/07/16 18:30h | join_team Alleviate Gaming (10311904) | |
26/07/16 18:35h | leave_team PlayWithSoul csgo (10024737) | |
29/07/16 09:37h | team_kick turM1X (9756912) / by Deleted account (9400741) | |
17/09/16 08:20h | join_team FearFactorY (10483731) | |
17/09/16 08:36h | team_kick FearFactorY (10483731) / by Destiny (7859880) | |
22/09/16 12:03h | leave_team Alleviate Gaming (10311904) | |
22/09/16 12:03h | leave_team TANK.8THFLOOR (9887375) | |
22/09/16 12:03h | leave_team teamFL (9646287) | |
07/10/16 12:06h | team_kick to be determined (9777671) / by traceqq (9299943) | |
28/01/17 13:09h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Winter Cup Qualifier #1 2017 Southeast Europe | |
28/01/17 13:13h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Winter Cup Qualifier #1 2017 Southeast Europe | |
05/02/17 10:08h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Winter Cup Qualifier #2 2017 Southeast Europe | |
05/02/17 10:10h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Winter Cup Qualifier #2 2017 Southeast Europe | |
24/02/17 11:27h | join_team #Wingsforhungary (10986728) | |
18/03/17 19:12h | team_kick #Wingsforhungary (10986728) / by Deleted account (10056614) | |
28/04/17 09:14h | join_team Legacy Gaming (11188908) | |
28/04/17 14:18h | leave_team Legacy Gaming (11188908) | |
06/05/17 09:30h | join_team brigad (11268175) | |
04/06/17 06:03h | team_kick brigad (11268175) / by Deleted account (9781055) | |
09/06/17 11:25h | join_team brigad (11268175) | |
26/08/17 09:53h | join_team Team_F!x (11216019) | |
26/08/17 09:57h | leave_team brigad (11268175) | |
26/08/17 09:58h | leave_team underdog. (9280800) | |
13/09/17 17:28h | join_team FullControl biceps (9025063) | |
18/01/18 15:04h | join_team TEENTiTANS (12082873) | |
03/11/18 11:02h | join_team brigad (11268175) | |
03/11/18 11:03h | join_team no drama llama (12973604) | |
08/02/19 15:42h | team_kick no drama llama (12973604) / by Deleted account (4626351) | |
10/06/19 10:44h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AIM Open Cup #135 Hungary | |
10/06/19 10:55h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AIM Open Cup #135 Hungary | |
22/09/19 07:04h | team_kick Team_F!x (11216019) / by Mikencs (10128156) |