created | Platform | action |
13/04/15 13:42h | first_login_default | |
13/04/15 13:46h | join_team Team Corex One (9020083) | |
06/05/15 11:04h | team_kick Team Corex One (9020083) / by Deleted account (6870356) | |
04/08/16 11:18h | register_team LC Mannheim (10347949) | |
06/08/16 05:31h | join_league ESL Play LoL EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #226 | |
09/08/16 15:22h | join_league ESL Play LoL EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #227 | |
09/08/16 15:27h | wanna_join_league ESL Play LoL Open Ladder 1on1 EU West | |
09/08/16 15:35h | join_league ESL Play LoL Open Ladder 1on1 EU West | |
16/08/16 12:53h | join_league ESL Play LoL EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #227 | |
17/08/16 08:03h | join_league ESL Play LoL EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #228 | |
26/08/16 09:01h | join_team Angels of Darkness (10430525) | |
21/09/16 18:53h | inactivity_kick ESL Play LoL Open Ladder 1on1 EU West | |
17/12/16 12:29h | register_team eXsane (10763969) | |
19/01/17 14:40h | leave_team Angels of Darkness (10430525) | |
21/01/17 08:13h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
12/02/17 05:57h | leave_team LC Mannheim (10347949) | |
06/05/17 14:29h | join_team Fat Gingers (10250331) | |
06/05/17 19:53h | team_kick Fat Gingers (10250331) / by Deleted account (10250293) | |
07/05/17 05:50h | join_team Fat GingerZ (11277493) | |
21/05/17 08:36h | leave_team Fat GingerZ (11277493) | |
30/05/17 12:05h | join_team Deleted account (11347442) | |
16/09/17 11:06h | join_team In Memory of ANGRY GORILLAS (10710316) | |
19/09/17 03:58h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 3 | |
22/09/17 15:37h | join_team In Memory of ANGRY GORILLAS (10886289) | |
02/10/17 11:47h | join_team ANGRY GORILLAS (4566101) | |
20/05/18 08:08h | join_team Team Same Meleksy (12463911) | |
26/05/18 10:00h | join_team Deleted account (11776067) | |
28/05/18 09:47h | team_kick In Memory of ANGRY GORILLAS (10886289) / by Deleted account (5563910) | |
20/09/18 17:28h | join_team CPLAY LoL (12831529) | |
26/09/18 14:56h | join_team Team GamerLegion (12025586) | |
14/10/18 08:37h | join_team MUSH (10083652) | |
18/11/18 07:41h | team_kick MUSH (10083652) / by me3ikanos1 (7094672) | |
23/12/18 08:54h | join_team Preseason chillings (13117828) | |
12/01/19 07:01h | team_kick Team GamerLegion (12025586) / by Deleted account (5563910) | |
13/01/19 12:44h | join_team Tempered Fate (12132235) | |
30/01/19 12:14h | team_kick Deleted account (11776067) / by Deleted account (1399242) | |
21/01/20 19:34h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 |