Daniel 'prgutek' Gutkowski  id: 9087087
created Platform action
03/05/15 08:30h first_login_default 
03/05/15 08:42h join_team  Happy Tree Friends_T1 (7131154)
06/05/15 13:39h join_team  TeAMPlaY.ZdZ (7887709)
16/06/15 17:00h team_kick  Happy Tree Friends_T1 (7131154) / by Deleted account (8704914)
17/06/15 09:31h team_kick  TeAMPlaY.ZdZ (7887709) / by Deleted account (8704914)
04/06/16 18:39h join_team  The Playbook 3v3 (10144730)
22/12/16 23:44h first_login_sm 
10/07/24 20:05h team_kick  The Playbook 3v3 (10144730) / by Daemon (3)