Garion  id: 9104574
created Platform action
11/05/15 13:33h first_login_default 
11/05/15 13:34h join_team  Fifty Shades of The mist (9104307)
08/06/15 10:58h wanna_join_league  ESL Play GW2 Engineer 1on1 Funday Monday Cup #3 Europe
08/06/15 11:01h join_league  ESL Play GW2 Engineer 1on1 Funday Monday Cup #3 Europe
29/09/15 10:09h join_team  Therpop (9455022)
12/10/15 07:21h wanna_join_league  ESL Play GW2 Thief 1on1 Funday Monday Cup #8 Europe
12/10/15 08:19h join_league  ESL Play GW2 Thief 1on1 Funday Monday Cup #8 Europe
05/11/15 12:43h join_team  Kant Talk (8737768)
04/01/16 16:51h join_team  Kant 2v2 (9637198)
16/02/16 14:52h leave_team  Kant Talk (8737768)
16/02/16 14:53h leave_team  Therpop (9455022)
16/02/16 14:53h leave_team  Fifty Shades of The mist (9104307)
16/02/16 14:58h join_team  Chaotic Contingency (9537595)
11/04/16 12:00h join_team  Super Smash (8457037)
17/04/16 08:53h team_kick  Super Smash (8457037) / by Deleted account (8299453)
06/05/16 12:44h join_team  MelloW E-Squad (10095957)
22/05/16 16:54h join_team  Super Smash (8457037)
23/07/16 10:47h join_team  Purple Noise (8824133)
25/07/16 19:15h leave_team  Super Smash (8457037)
05/11/16 10:37h team_kick  MelloW E-Squad (10095957) / by Deleted account (9104812)