Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History KF_Gara id: 9298972 created Platform action 06/08/15 18:07h first_login_default 06/08/15 18:08h register_team No Chill (9298975) 17/09/15 18:57h register_team Proper FaceMelterz (9425465) 21/01/16 07:31h register_team RecKLesS E-Sports (9774615) 24/01/16 00:17h join_team uPRise (9770690) 27/01/16 11:02h team_kick uPRise (9770690) / by Deleted account (9770667) 14/02/16 01:40h join_team Deleted account (9868142) 19/02/16 00:03h leave_team Deleted account (9868142) 21/02/16 00:59h join_team Cloud9 (9886079) 20/03/16 12:24h register_team Revision (9981610) 03/04/16 13:39h join_team Deleted account (9994549) 10/04/16 00:47h team_kick Deleted account (9994549) / by Deleted account (9668093) 17/04/16 12:50h join_team Deleted account (10035592) 22/04/16 10:52h team_kick Deleted account (10035592) / by Deleted account (9895377) 24/04/16 01:58h register_team The Ping Warriors (10062247) 01/05/16 13:44h join_team Deleted account (10044583) 08/05/16 13:14h team_kick Deleted account (10044583) / by Deleted account (9773943) 26/06/16 11:33h join_team Deleted account (9994549) 26/06/16 12:57h join_team Ee empire (10205360) 03/07/16 13:29h register_team Eastern Empire GG (10243770) 12/08/16 21:37h team_kick Deleted account (9994549) / by Deleted account (9668093) 13/08/16 13:05h join_team Deleted account (10364175) 14/08/16 12:54h join_team Deleted account (10398459) 14/08/16 14:51h team_kick Deleted account (10398459) / by Deleted account (9215621) 04/09/16 13:18h team_kick Deleted account (10364175) / by Deleted account (9521199) 18/09/16 12:22h join_team The Xim5 (9889023) 09/10/16 12:22h team_kick The Xim5 (9889023) / by Deleted account (9776051) 27/11/16 12:53h join_team Awaken Militia (10685443) 27/11/16 13:55h join_team latez (10709883) 02/12/16 20:33h join_team SmC (10721810) 04/12/16 13:25h register_team Rankd Starz (10728547) 10/12/16 12:23h team_kick Awaken Militia (10685443) / by Deleted account (9696983) 10/12/16 12:39h join_team Awaken Militia (10685443) 10/12/16 22:05h team_kick Awaken Militia (10685443) / by Deleted account (9696983) 18/12/16 13:17h join_team City Upon A Hill (10684968) 26/12/16 12:26h join_team Deleted account (10665459) 31/12/16 18:33h team_kick City Upon A Hill (10684968) / by Deleted account (10665807) 08/01/17 13:21h register_team Boom Headshot (10821947) 19/02/17 14:34h join_team Heathenss (10304745) 26/02/17 15:03h team_kick Heathenss (10304745) / by Deleted account (9785387) 01/03/17 01:16h join_team Deleted account (10997127) 11/03/17 14:45h join_team Trash Towers (10958429) 12/03/17 19:21h join_team Aporia eSports Go4 (11042707) 12/03/17 19:22h join_team Xbox AMs (11039951) 19/03/17 21:05h team_kick Deleted account (10665459) / by Deleted account (9771226) 13/05/17 12:36h join_team Deleted account (11300069) 14/05/17 10:50h join_team Deleted account (11303446) 14/05/17 12:00h register_team Gaara and the Boys (11305871) 23/06/17 00:37h join_team Prevail Gaming Organization (10082179) 26/07/17 00:16h team_kick Prevail Gaming Organization (10082179) / by Deleted account (11089697) 05/08/17 13:50h join_team Deleted account (11598097) 06/08/17 00:57h register_team 5 Guys 1 Diffuser (11602116) 12/08/17 15:20h team_kick Deleted account (10997127) / by Deleted account (9771226) 12/08/17 15:22h team_kick Deleted account (11300069) / by Deleted account (9771226) 12/08/17 15:26h team_kick Deleted account (11598097) / by Deleted account (9771226) 03/09/17 13:12h join_team Deleted account (11598097) 24/09/17 13:42h register_team 5 Guys 1 Thrower (11751680) 24/09/17 13:59h join_team Strictly Business (10124912) 01/10/17 13:23h join_team Deleted account (11622250) 22/10/17 12:21h team_kick Strictly Business (10124912) / by Deleted account (9084277) 19/11/17 13:24h join_team Deleted account (10782561) 26/11/17 11:10h team_kick Deleted account (10782561) / by Deleted account (9804804) 26/11/17 12:50h join_team Deleted account (11935950) 03/12/17 11:54h register_team Kore Faction (11954951) 06/12/17 13:13h join_team Deleted account (11863544) 09/12/17 22:59h team_kick Deleted account (11598097) / by Deleted account (9771226) 10/12/17 13:40h leave_team Deleted account (11935950) 28/01/18 12:36h register_team FaceMelterz (12125153) 04/02/18 13:49h join_team Deleted account (12151274) 11/02/18 13:11h team_kick Deleted account (12151274) / by Deleted account (10289185) 18/02/18 12:39h register_team Raging Racoons (12208169) 18/02/18 12:39h register_team Raging Racoons (12208171) 24/02/18 19:50h register_team Tier 1 Esports (12231977) 25/02/18 00:11h team_kick Deleted account (11622250) / by Deleted account (9688896) 14/04/18 22:54h join_team TwistedSin Esports (12299899) 22/04/18 18:24h team_kick TwistedSin Esports (12299899) / by Arms (11965243) 03/06/18 17:35h join_team Team Not VexX (12535125) 16/09/18 19:00h join_team Deleted account (12414411) 06/10/18 11:32h register_team 5 Guys 1 Diffuser (12879891) 12/12/18 12:03h join_team Valentis (13083319) 24/01/19 17:46h join_team The VOID (11552485) 03/03/19 19:14h register_team Straight Killin (13413423) 03/03/19 19:23h join_team NameLess (13412651) 05/03/19 02:14h team_kick NameLess (13412651) / by Deleted account (11646895) 05/03/19 14:39h join_team Octane Gaming (13400770) 20/10/19 16:57h join_team Team SiNister Red (14105993) 27/10/19 17:45h team_kick Team SiNister Red (14105993) / by Deleted account (10365606) 13/01/20 18:39h join_team GhoofySquad (14595355)