traceqq  id: 9299943
created Platform action
07/08/15 10:55h first_login_default 
07/08/15 11:38h join_team  team Teardrops (9256976)
10/12/15 14:55h register_team  teamFL (9646287)
23/12/15 10:57h register_team  DRAGOLYTE (9695696)
22/01/16 11:33h register_team  to be determined (9777671)
31/01/16 03:14h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
19/02/16 10:27h register_team  TANK.8THFLOOR (9887375)
12/03/16 19:08h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
22/03/16 14:10h join_team  Deleted account (9985726)
31/03/16 16:33h team_kick  Deleted account (9985726) / by Leyla. (4885765)
09/04/16 07:27h register_team (10027356)
22/04/16 11:40h register_team  noobs (10057103)
02/09/16 11:33h register_team  teamyo (10454922)
24/09/16 09:52h register_team  lastminutecs (10499452)
13/10/16 13:56h register_team  SICKRATS (10536366)
23/10/16 11:51h wanna_join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Autumn Cup Qualifier #1 2016 Southeast Europe
23/10/16 11:51h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Regional Autumn Cup Qualifier #1 2016 Southeast Europe
10/03/17 08:14h register_team  Weed 4 Skill (11033140)
29/04/18 06:39h register_team  T0PBAITERS (12444637)
29/04/18 06:51h join_team  Deleted account (2977403)
29/04/18 13:50h leave_team  Deleted account (2977403)
24/09/18 14:26h join_team  nature's Fury (12050411)
24/09/18 14:38h join_roster  for team #12050411 in PUBG Squad MNEB Qualifier #1 Hungary #181664 by #8971422
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  noobs (10057103) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  lastminutecs (10499452) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  SICKRATS (10536366) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  nature's Fury (12050411) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  teamFL (9646287) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  TANK.8THFLOOR (9887375) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  team Teardrops (9256976) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  DRAGOLYTE (9695696) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  to be determined (9777671) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick (10027356) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  Weed 4 Skill (11033140) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  T0PBAITERS (12444637) / by Daemon (3)
31/03/24 07:46h team_kick  teamyo (10454922) / by Daemon (3)