ostyn  id: 9351475
created Platform action
23/08/15 19:05h first_login_default 
23/08/15 19:07h join_team  2E & ASN (9351477)
05/09/15 21:56h join_team  Deleted account (9360335)
09/09/15 21:17h join_team  Wasteland Renegade (9393948)
04/10/15 14:38h join_team  Broforce (9448404)
11/10/15 13:27h team_kick  Broforce (9448404) / by Deleted account (9448401)
01/11/15 14:01h join_team  Broforce (9448404)
06/12/15 14:32h join_team  Napex (9586927)
12/12/15 21:19h register_team  Deleted account (9667705)
12/12/15 23:28h join_team  ONE PUNCH TEAM (9668174)
13/12/15 14:29h team_kick  Napex (9586927) / by Deleted account (9346762)
19/12/15 16:41h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America
31/01/16 19:15h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America
13/02/16 21:34h join_team  Deleted account (9761947)
06/03/16 13:57h register_team  2 EZ (9939468)
06/03/16 13:59h join_team  Deleted account (9898499)
20/03/16 13:35h join_team  im6ued (9606929)
03/04/16 14:43h join_team  Deleted account (10016120)
03/04/16 14:51h join_team  Rouge Esports (9724782)
03/04/16 15:19h join_team  Flash Flood (9367212)
03/04/16 15:29h leave_team  Rouge Esports (9724782)
03/04/16 15:30h leave_team  Deleted account (10016120)
03/04/16 15:47h team_kick  im6ued (9606929) / by Deleted account (8555872)
09/04/16 21:06h join_team  Get Better Not Bitter (9916454)
10/04/16 13:24h team_kick  Broforce (9448404) / by Deleted account (9448401)
16/04/16 00:16h team_kick  Get Better Not Bitter (9916454) / by Deleted account (9533919)
17/04/16 12:48h leave_team  Flash Flood (9367212)
17/04/16 12:51h leave_team  Deleted account (9898499)
17/04/16 12:52h leave_team  2E & ASN (9351477)
24/04/16 14:30h register_team  Deleted account (10064932)
24/04/16 14:56h join_team  Expresso (9747889)
30/04/16 20:42h join_team  Cloud9 RL (9950936)
15/05/16 14:00h join_team  R3BL eSports (9694292)
22/05/16 13:53h join_team  Xylophone Zebras (10015968)
22/05/16 14:09h leave_team  R3BL eSports (9694292)
29/05/16 03:04h join_team  Get Better Not Bitter (9916454)
29/05/16 14:46h team_kick  Xylophone Zebras (10015968) / by Sub'N (9273842)
05/06/16 14:11h team_kick  Cloud9 RL (9950936) / by SquishyMuffinz (9453399)
05/06/16 15:12h join_team  R3BL eSports (9694292)
05/06/16 17:45h leave_team  R3BL eSports (9694292)
05/06/16 17:45h join_team  Cloud9 RL (9950936)
06/06/16 08:42h team_kick  Cloud9 RL (9950936) / by SquishyMuffinz (9453399)
26/06/16 13:51h team_kick  Deleted account (9761947) / by Deleted account (9228320)
24/07/16 01:59h team_kick  Get Better Not Bitter (9916454) / by Deleted account (9533919)
02/10/16 13:56h join_team  Kinematics (10022165)
09/10/16 04:13h join_team  Ninja Dinosaurs (9979179)
09/10/16 13:37h team_kick  Kinematics (10022165) / by Deleted account (9264827)
16/10/16 14:25h join_team  Thats Pretty Neat! (10543991)
16/10/16 14:51h leave_team  Thats Pretty Neat! (10543991)
16/10/16 14:54h join_team  Thats Pretty Neat! (10543991)
23/10/16 01:57h team_kick  Ninja Dinosaurs (9979179) / by Deleted account (9545774)
23/10/16 13:07h team_kick  Thats Pretty Neat! (10543991) / by Deleted account (10530321)
13/11/16 15:26h join_team  Need Boost! (10665936)
03/12/16 13:53h join_team  Pond Scum (10117788)
04/12/16 14:10h team_kick  Pond Scum (10117788) / by Deleted account (9634051)
11/12/16 14:20h leave_team  2 EZ (9939468)
11/12/16 14:20h join_team  Underseas Cheese (10270624)
18/12/16 00:47h join_team  25 Percent (10081453)
18/12/16 14:35h team_kick  Underseas Cheese (10270624) / by Deleted account (9672565)
26/12/16 14:33h team_kick  25 Percent (10081453) / by Deleted account (9866673)
01/01/17 14:33h register_team  Deleted account (10795742)
08/01/17 12:45h join_team  Excursion (10503093)
21/01/17 23:19h join_team  2 EZ (9939468)
22/01/17 12:29h join_team  Downs Force (10870218)
12/02/17 12:30h team_kick  Excursion (10503093) / by Deleted account (9854349)
12/02/17 14:54h team_kick  Deleted account (9360335) / by primethunder (9347706)
19/02/17 14:32h join_team  Blame Dark (10578914)
04/03/17 00:33h join_team  RRelentless (10874706)
04/03/17 14:43h team_kick  RRelentless (10874706) / by Deleted account (10501431)
19/03/17 03:53h join_team  Rex Gaming (10967780)
23/04/17 07:32h team_kick  Rex Gaming (10967780) / by Deleted account (9531502)
18/06/17 13:03h join_team  RRelentless (10874706)
18/06/17 13:09h join_team  Red Rockets (11422191)
09/07/17 14:39h join_team  Vertical Sweep (9606976)
22/07/17 20:12h team_kick  Vertical Sweep (9606976) / by MD22 (9606963)
11/08/17 18:16h join_team  Vertical Sweep (9606976)
10/09/17 13:52h join_team  Kinematics (10022165)
24/09/17 14:26h join_team  Aim Hacks (11751603)
01/10/17 14:31h join_team  Rotations 'R us (11681614)
01/10/17 14:33h team_kick  Kinematics (10022165) / by Deleted account (9264827)
26/11/17 13:50h join_team  Deleted account (11882347)
03/12/17 14:40h leave_team  Deleted account (11882347)
10/12/17 14:30h join_team  Ballerz (10608738)
10/12/17 14:47h register_team  oof (11976512)
17/12/17 13:50h register_team  2 EZ LUL (11996490)
17/12/17 14:15h join_team  Spectrum V3 (11996520)
07/01/18 14:14h join_team  3 Noobs playing 3's (12041773)
28/01/18 14:16h register_team  Zoboomafoo (12125802)
28/01/18 14:21h join_team  Fry Kooks (12039637)
18/03/18 04:31h register_team  The Guys (12320651)
18/03/18 04:31h register_team  The Guys (12320652)
18/03/18 04:31h register_team  The Girls (12320653)
18/03/18 04:31h register_team  The Girls (12320654)
18/03/18 04:31h register_team  The Females (12320656)
03/06/18 13:49h join_team  Birds & the Beez (12514376)
10/06/18 13:35h team_kick  Birds & the Beez (12514376) / by Roll Dizz (10147225)
01/07/18 14:40h team_kick  Blame Dark (10578914) / by Deleted account (9634051)
21/01/19 00:28h join_team  Upper 90 eSports (12685940)
07/06/21 15:15h join_team  ostyn2 (16954201)
07/06/21 15:27h join_roster  for team #16954201 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #2 United States #223544 by #16954199