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Doughnut King  id: 9363376
created Platform action
27/08/15 20:38h first_login_default 
27/08/15 20:39h join_team  Nuclear Fallout (9363368)
24/02/16 21:05h leave_team  Nuclear Fallout (9363368)
24/02/16 21:11h register_team  Maximum Effort (9906981)
28/03/16 10:54h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America
10/05/16 19:42h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America
30/05/16 15:25h join_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
08/06/16 14:09h leave_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
10/07/16 14:44h join_team  Chef (10103432)
11/07/16 13:26h leave_team  Chef (10103432)
17/07/16 13:37h join_team  Anixia Esports (10087823)
20/07/16 22:23h leave_team  Anixia Esports (10087823)
24/07/16 10:25h join_team  SpawnKilled (10307305)
25/09/16 11:41h leave_team  Maximum Effort (9906981)
25/09/16 11:42h leave_team  SpawnKilled (10307305)
25/09/16 11:42h register_team  Deleted account (10502977)
16/10/16 11:12h join_team  Aura Sky (10516291)
16/10/16 11:16h leave_team  Deleted account (10502977)
23/10/16 14:03h leave_team  Aura Sky (10516291)
23/10/16 14:09h register_team  Delirium (10579060)
23/10/16 19:44h leave_team  Delirium (10579060)
30/10/16 10:37h join_team  Aura Sky (10516291)
19/11/16 21:43h join_team  this is a team name (10607501)
20/11/16 12:12h team_kick  Aura Sky (10516291) / by Deleted account (9606828)
04/12/16 04:14h team_kick  this is a team name (10607501) / by Deleted account (10494999)
04/12/16 13:20h join_team  Atlas (10517262)
18/12/16 13:23h team_kick  Atlas (10517262) / by Deleted account (10447651)
18/12/16 13:54h join_team  this is a team name (10607501)
18/12/16 15:12h team_kick  this is a team name (10607501) / by Deleted account (10494999)
18/12/16 15:12h join_team  Lucky Bounce (9512377)
19/12/16 14:13h team_kick  Lucky Bounce (9512377) / by Deleted account (9394279)
01/01/17 14:26h register_team  Hand Brakes (10795710)
08/01/17 13:05h join_team  Blue Shift Gaming (10542192)
08/01/17 16:01h leave_team  Blue Shift Gaming (10542192)
04/02/17 22:17h join_team  Team Atlas (10914979)
04/02/17 22:19h leave_team  Hand Brakes (10795710)
31/05/17 11:17h leave_team  Team Atlas (10914979)
31/05/17 11:18h register_team  Deleted account (11352095)
03/09/17 13:35h join_team  Not LSU (11683759)
03/09/17 14:29h team_kick  Not LSU (11683759) / by Deleted account (11394768)
10/09/17 13:45h join_team  this is a team name (10607501)
10/09/17 14:03h team_kick  this is a team name (10607501) / by Deleted account (10494999)
10/09/17 14:05h join_team  this is a team name (10607501)
10/09/17 14:35h team_kick  this is a team name (10607501) / by Deleted account (10494999)
10/09/17 14:36h join_team  this is a team name (10607501)
01/10/17 14:35h team_kick  this is a team name (10607501) / by Deleted account (10494999)
01/10/17 14:36h join_team  this is a team name (10607501)
05/11/17 13:58h register_team  Deleted account (11882423)
05/11/17 14:18h leave_team  this is a team name (10607501)
22/11/17 00:57h join_team  FoxTop (11682005)
17/12/17 14:29h join_team  Deleted account (11996620)
25/03/18 13:41h join_team  Estorm.GG (11770485)
25/03/18 13:42h leave_team  FoxTop (11682005)
25/03/18 13:43h leave_team  Deleted account (11996620)
01/04/18 13:04h leave_team  Estorm.GG (11770485)
01/04/18 13:05h register_team  Deleted account (12372687)
13/05/18 14:08h register_team  Deleted account (12481325)
13/05/18 14:25h join_team  The Pleasant Pelicans (12426791)
30/09/18 00:10h join_team  Deleted account (12857448)
07/10/18 01:00h register_team  Deleted account (12881898)
07/10/18 01:00h register_team  Deleted account (12881899)
07/10/18 01:00h register_team  Deleted account (12881900)