created | Platform | action |
05/09/15 19:55h | first_login_default | |
06/09/15 10:08h | join_team GalaxyGaming Crimson Guards (9385796) | |
20/09/15 16:10h | team_kick GalaxyGaming Crimson Guards (9385796) / by Deleted account (9309743) | |
20/09/15 21:16h | register_team Deleted account (9437892) | |
26/09/15 13:54h | join_team Deleted account (9437983) | |
25/10/15 17:31h | join_league ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America | |
06/12/15 19:08h | inactivity_kick ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America | |
11/12/15 23:41h | join_team Team Relentless (9410626) | |
21/12/15 17:39h | team_kick Deleted account (9437983) / by Deleted account (9384238) | |
26/12/15 13:08h | team_kick Team Relentless (9410626) / by Deleted account (9350775) | |
16/02/16 20:46h | join_league ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America | |
03/03/16 00:29h | join_team CANCER OG (9927108) | |
03/04/16 11:27h | join_team VwS Gaming (10015639) | |
06/04/16 00:07h | team_kick CANCER OG (9927108) / by Dappur (9497975) | |
06/05/16 20:34h | leave_team VwS Gaming (10015639) | |
15/05/16 10:03h | register_team Deleted account (10119761) | |
15/05/16 10:03h | register_team Deleted account (10119762) | |
15/05/16 10:05h | register_team Deleted account (10119768) | |
15/05/16 10:13h | register_team Deleted account (10119793) | |
15/05/16 10:13h | register_team Deleted account (10119794) | |
15/05/16 10:13h | register_team Deleted account (10119795) | |
15/05/16 14:47h | join_team Momentum (9437236) | |
10/07/16 14:08h | join_team Momentum (10244454) | |
17/07/16 14:58h | team_kick Momentum (10244454) / by Dappur (9497975) | |
13/08/16 13:21h | join_team Fromo Sama (9514823) | |
13/08/16 15:23h | team_kick Fromo Sama (9514823) / by Deleted account (9745301) | |
25/09/16 13:40h | join_team Deleted account (10495234) | |
23/10/16 14:43h | join_team InsomniaRL (10516351) | |
08/01/17 19:00h | join_team For The Lulz (10822160) | |
14/01/17 21:37h | leave_team InsomniaRL (10516351) | |
14/01/17 21:37h | leave_team Deleted account (10495234) | |
14/01/17 21:37h | register_team Deleted account (10844268) | |
14/01/17 21:38h | leave_team For The Lulz (10822160) | |
30/01/17 16:30h | join_team For The Lulz (10822160) | |
05/02/17 13:14h | leave_team Deleted account (10844268) | |
05/02/17 13:16h | register_team Citron (10920737) | |
05/02/17 13:26h | leave_team Momentum (9437236) | |
03/03/17 20:46h | join_team Das Gewd (10871770) | |
30/05/21 14:46h | leave_league ESL Play All NA players test | |
30/05/21 14:46h | team_kick Das Gewd (10871770) / by Daemon (3) | |
30/05/21 14:46h | team_kick Citron (10920737) / by Daemon (3) | |
30/05/21 14:46h | team_kick For The Lulz (10822160) / by Daemon (3) |