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Matt  id: 9434926
created Platform action
20/09/15 01:51h first_login_default 
20/09/15 02:02h register_team  Deleted account (9434937)
20/09/15 05:05h join_team  Battlecar Galactica (9435117)
25/10/15 15:11h join_team  Lucky Bounce (9512377)
29/11/15 15:30h join_team  im6ued (9606929)
10/01/16 13:35h team_kick  Lucky Bounce (9512377) / by Deleted account (9394279)
13/02/16 02:13h team_kick  im6ued (9606929) / by Deleted account (8555872)
20/03/16 03:30h join_team  Lucky Bounce (9512377)
24/04/16 14:31h team_kick  Lucky Bounce (9512377) / by Deleted account (9394279)
24/04/16 16:24h join_team  Chem (10016518)
24/09/16 19:51h join_team  Vendetta (10500868)
11/12/16 14:34h team_kick  Vendetta (10500868) / by Deleted account (9837660)
04/02/17 01:36h join_team  The Magicianz (10084517)
12/02/17 14:23h join_team  TBA (10945448)
17/09/17 13:53h team_kick  The Magicianz (10084517) / by Deleted account (10015974)
25/02/18 14:22h join_team  Ghost Gaming (12235738)
27/03/22 15:30h leave_league  ESL Play All NA players test
27/03/22 15:30h team_kick  Chem (10016518) / by Daemon (3)
27/03/22 15:30h team_kick  Battlecar Galactica (9435117) / by Daemon (3)
27/03/22 15:30h team_kick  TBA (10945448) / by Daemon (3)
27/03/22 15:30h team_kick  Ghost Gaming (12235738) / by Daemon (3)