sharrieff  id: 9452619
created Platform action
27/09/15 13:10h first_login_default 
27/09/15 13:12h join_team  BelowAverage (9270104)
24/10/15 10:30h team_kick  BelowAverage (9270104) / by Deleted account (9270051)
13/03/16 13:06h join_team  Deleted account (9228451)
22/05/16 13:31h join_team  Straight Gas (10136391)
02/07/16 23:04h join_team  The Canoodle Krew (9765633)
24/07/16 13:28h join_team  PSYK (10307722)
24/07/16 13:33h leave_team  Deleted account (9228451)
24/07/16 13:33h leave_team  The Canoodle Krew (9765633)
25/09/16 13:37h team_kick  PSYK (10307722) / by Deleted account (9867705)
25/09/16 14:10h register_team  Its Reaction Time! (10503421)
25/09/16 14:18h register_team  Deleted account (10503435)
25/09/16 14:27h register_team  Deleted account (10503464)
25/09/16 15:43h register_team  Its Reaction Time! (10503642)
02/10/16 13:42h join_team  HyperModern (9863253)
02/10/16 14:16h team_kick  HyperModern (9863253) / by Deleted account (9863159)
02/10/16 14:20h join_team  HyperModern (9863253)
02/10/16 14:29h leave_team  HyperModern (9863253)
09/10/16 12:47h join_team  Boostie Boys (10120937)
27/10/16 18:01h join_team  Deleted account (10592865)
27/10/16 18:14h team_kick  Deleted account (10592865) / by Deleted account (10299206)
27/10/16 18:18h join_team  Boostie Boys 2 (10592908)
27/10/16 18:23h register_team  No Boost Mafia (10592918)
27/10/16 18:26h register_team  No boost mafia (10592923)
20/11/16 13:29h join_team  The Stoppable Three (10688453)
27/11/16 15:04h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America
04/12/16 14:09h register_team  The random 3 (10728687)
04/12/16 14:10h register_team  The random 3 (10728691)
04/12/16 14:12h register_team  The random 3 (10728704)
04/12/16 14:15h leave_team  Boostie Boys (10120937)
04/12/16 14:16h leave_team  The Stoppable Three (10688453)
04/12/16 14:18h register_team  The random 3 (10728720)
04/12/16 14:21h leave_team  Boostie Boys 2 (10592908)
18/12/16 13:21h join_team  Origins (10746649)
01/01/17 14:26h register_team  The random 3 (10795713)
08/01/17 14:05h join_team  Deleted account (10818374)
15/01/17 15:02h join_team  Triumph (10822096)
28/01/17 23:43h team_kick  Deleted account (10818374) / by Deleted account (10248751)
08/02/17 11:34h team_kick  Triumph (10822096) / by Deleted account (9726818)
19/02/17 13:20h join_team  SB Esports (10795600)
23/02/17 19:36h team_kick  SB Esports (10795600) / by Deleted account (10578974)
06/04/17 19:02h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America
04/06/17 13:14h register_team  The MemeDreamCreamTeam (11367521)
23/07/17 13:31h register_team  Mechanical (11553326)
06/08/17 14:53h register_team  Mechanical (11606735)
27/08/17 14:18h register_team  Cerberus Esports (11666119)
27/08/17 14:18h register_team  Cerberus Esports (11666120)
27/08/17 14:31h wanna_join_league  ESL Play SMITE Open 1on1 Ladder - North America
30/08/17 06:47h join_league  ESL Play SMITE Open 1on1 Ladder - North America
10/09/17 13:45h register_team  Mechanical Gaming (11698708)
17/09/17 14:14h register_team  Deleted account (11718236)
08/10/17 14:35h register_team  MechG (11791580)
11/10/17 18:52h inactivity_kick  ESL Play SMITE Open 1on1 Ladder - North America
12/11/17 13:50h join_team  Default Team Name 1 (11899128)
26/11/17 18:41h join_team  Mech G (11523898)
10/12/17 09:34h team_kick  Default Team Name 1 (11899128) / by AxishadE (10487647)
10/12/17 13:29h join_team  Foxtop (11936269)
21/01/18 13:58h register_team  Soduku Taki Sunrise (12098817)
28/01/18 01:27h team_kick  Mech G (11523898) / by Deleted account (10607930)
04/03/18 14:59h join_team  Loyal (12079128)
25/03/18 14:15h join_team  FMG (12281738)
22/04/18 03:01h join_team  Exitium (12394974)
20/05/18 00:13h register_team  Club Stuntin (12495285)
20/05/18 14:50h team_kick  Exitium (12394974) / by Guhberry (10689660)
20/05/18 14:52h team_kick  FMG (12281738) / by Beast (10781617)
10/06/18 14:25h join_team  Hopeful (12551974)
01/07/18 14:04h join_team  Deleted account (12602491)
01/07/18 14:07h join_team  Deleted account (12514121)
15/07/18 14:12h team_kick  Hopeful (12551974) / by Deleted account (10522326)
29/07/18 14:43h team_kick  Deleted account (12514121) / by TreyRL (11553911)
05/08/18 13:38h register_team  Black Player Alliance (12711405)
11/08/18 22:24h register_team  Plays 4 Days (12729340)
03/03/20 20:52h register_team  br0 (14867830)
24/05/21 20:45h join_team  Black Flame (16873276)
24/05/21 20:47h join_roster  for team #16873276 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #1 United States #223542 by #16873270