Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (37) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History genocop id: 9480717 created Platform action 11/10/15 14:17h first_login_default 11/10/15 14:18h join_team Gibblets (9375286) 18/10/15 14:20h register_team Anon (9497923) 25/10/15 14:14h join_team Deleted account (9516110) 25/10/15 14:48h team_kick Gibblets (9375286) / by Deleted account (9239548) 15/11/15 23:15h team_kick Deleted account (9516110) / by Deleted account (9437105) 20/11/15 17:07h join_team Gibblets (9375286) 06/12/15 01:15h join_team Failure to Launch (9495033) 06/12/15 14:24h leave_team Gibblets (9375286) 20/02/16 21:01h join_team Lucky Bounce (9512377) 28/02/16 14:26h team_kick Lucky Bounce (9512377) / by Deleted account (9394279) 06/03/16 13:53h join_team Flopside Tictacs (9939339) 13/03/16 03:16h leave_team Flopside Tictacs (9939339) 11/06/16 20:46h join_team Retrospect (9350503) 12/06/16 14:12h team_kick Failure to Launch (9495033) / by Zanejackey (9452454) 21/09/16 23:06h join_team Revival (10495261) 23/10/16 17:06h join_team RevivLUL (10579673) 30/10/16 16:22h join_team Revival (10608717) 11/06/17 14:23h team_kick Revival (10495261) / by Deleted account (9342606) 23/06/17 22:23h join_team the sex gods (11439855) 09/09/17 16:24h register_team Premature Superhero Cops (11696184) 09/09/17 16:24h register_team Deleted account (11696185) 03/02/18 17:55h join_team Loyal (12079128) 07/04/18 14:23h join_team Loyal (12373025) 26/05/18 23:48h join_team The Females (12320656) 10/09/18 19:08h join_team The Locals (12731946) 15/10/18 22:34h join_team We barely practiced (12909272) 31/05/21 06:09h join_team DN Esports (16926254) 31/05/21 21:02h join_roster for team #16926254 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #1 United States #223542 by #16926246