Aneveozuf  id: 9584997
created Platform action
21/11/15 11:55h first_login_default 
21/11/15 12:17h join_team  SentineI (9572269)
10/01/16 07:14h join_team  SentineI (9740926)
21/01/16 10:15h join_team  Deleted account (9730977)
24/01/16 08:36h team_kick  Deleted account (9730977) / by Deleted account (7034587)
03/04/16 17:01h team_kick  SentineI (9740926) / by Deleted account (7034587)
18/05/16 15:44h team_kick  SentineI (9572269) / by Deleted account (7034587)
05/06/16 08:32h join_team  Ich. Du und ein Koala (9250562)
09/06/16 11:30h join_team  Ich. Du und ein Koala (9496124)
10/07/16 08:32h team_kick  Ich. Du und ein Koala (9250562) / by Deleted account (9169113)
10/07/16 08:34h join_team  Roll the Dice.Go4 (9612578)
10/07/16 08:35h leave_team  Ich. Du und ein Koala (9496124)
20/07/16 12:53h join_team  Deleted account (10296208)
29/07/16 16:24h join_team  Band of Brothers.WGL (9785032)
07/08/16 11:47h join_team  Richtig Tuntenhafte Deutsche (10342241)
06/10/16 09:54h join_team  Roll the Dice.League (10521713)
25/10/16 14:39h join_team  Deleted account (9218180)
30/10/16 09:49h team_kick  Roll the Dice.League (10521713) / by Deleted account (9229332)
03/11/16 13:15h join_team  Knäckebröd (9063376)
18/12/16 16:23h team_kick  Deleted account (9218180) / by Bratapult (7219183)
26/12/16 13:14h team_kick  Knäckebröd (9063376) / by Bratapult (7219183)
28/01/17 10:59h team_kick  Roll the Dice.Go4 (9612578) / by Deleted account (9229332)
05/02/17 05:40h join_team  Riders of Rohan (10875284)
07/02/17 16:57h team_kick  Deleted account (10296208) / by Deleted account (8863216)
10/02/17 16:05h team_kick  Band of Brothers.WGL (9785032) / by Deleted account (9229332)
02/04/17 08:37h join_team  Roll the Dice.Go4 (9612578)
20/04/17 13:42h join_team  Team Full on T1LT (10090381)
26/04/17 07:03h join_team  S4ubermänner (11239912)
18/05/17 11:01h team_kick  Team Full on T1LT (10090381) / by DestR_ (6868592)
10/09/17 08:55h join_team  Team Full on T1LT (11252722)
29/10/17 09:31h team_kick  Team Full on T1LT (11252722) / by DestR_ (6868592)
10/10/21 09:08h team_kick  S4ubermänner (11239912) / by Daemon (3)
10/10/21 09:08h team_kick  Roll the Dice.Go4 (9612578) / by Daemon (3)
10/10/21 09:08h team_kick  Riders of Rohan (10875284) / by Daemon (3)
10/10/21 09:08h team_kick  Richtig Tuntenhafte Deutsche (10342241) / by Daemon (3)