created | Platform | action |
10/12/15 09:05h | first_login_default | |
30/01/16 13:27h | join_team Team ADM (9802283) | |
03/02/16 14:37h | join_league ESL Play S.K.I.L.L. Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
06/02/16 09:12h | team_kick Team ADM (9802283) / by Deleted account (9676554) | |
18/03/16 20:17h | inactivity_kick ESL Play S.K.I.L.L. Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
16/05/16 15:19h | join_team VisionItaly. (10123930) | |
16/06/16 17:46h | register_team Deleted account (10198583) | |
16/06/16 17:56h | register_team NeutroN .WF (10198596) | |
12/07/16 15:24h | join_team Deleted account (10230284) | |
14/07/16 07:03h | leave_team Deleted account (10230284) | |
05/08/16 11:12h | join_team Deleted account (10194263) | |
14/08/16 10:39h | join_team UnityX.eSports (7558945) | |
15/08/16 13:12h | team_kick UnityX.eSports (7558945) / by AeQ_Bastii (7467867) | |
21/08/16 11:42h | leave_team NeutroN .WF (10198596) | |
21/08/16 15:41h | join_team NeutroN .WF (10198596) | |
10/09/16 15:57h | join_team TRIVIUM (10469142) | |
18/09/16 09:22h | team_kick TRIVIUM (10469142) / by Deleted account (8894983) | |
23/09/16 09:39h | join_team satorarepotenetoperarotas (10454148) | |
25/09/16 09:36h | leave_team satorarepotenetoperarotas (10454148) | |
25/09/16 09:53h | join_team satorarepotenetoperarotas (10454148) | |
05/10/16 15:50h | team_kick VisionItaly. (10123930) / by Deleted account (9792777) | |
07/10/16 15:46h | leave_team satorarepotenetoperarotas (10454148) | |
07/10/16 15:54h | join_team Deleted account (10485316) | |
12/10/16 09:49h | leave_team Deleted account (10485316) | |
12/10/16 10:38h | join_team SixthSenSe WF (10487885) | |
16/10/16 06:05h | join_team Deleted account (10542590) | |
16/10/16 09:51h | join_team Teamupsidedown (10534224) | |
21/10/16 05:33h | register_team OrigiN LOS (10558298) | |
23/10/16 14:00h | team_kick Deleted account (10542590) / by axiste (10464703) | |
28/10/16 09:11h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Halloween Cup 2016 | |
28/10/16 09:22h | join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Halloween Cup 2016 | |
31/10/16 10:08h | join_team team.Aga1n (10610336) | |
08/11/16 07:10h | register_team We came to lose my frnd R6 (10644895) | |
12/11/16 09:34h | register_team Deleted account (10660300) | |
13/11/16 05:24h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global | |
13/11/16 07:42h | join_league ESL Play Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global | |
12/12/16 08:52h | register_team InFlammable (10750656) | |
17/12/16 05:23h | leave_team SixthSenSe WF (10487885) | |
19/12/16 09:09h | join_league ESL Play CR 1on1 King's Ladder Global | |
21/12/16 11:59h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Christmas Cup 2016 | |
21/12/16 12:34h | join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Christmas Cup 2016 | |
23/12/16 04:19h | first_login_sm | |
23/12/16 04:24h | first_login_sm | |
23/12/16 08:53h | register_team Deleted account (10778004) | |
23/12/16 09:04h | team_kick Deleted account (10778004) / by Deleted account (10777947) | |
25/12/16 18:56h | inactivity_kick ESL Play Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global | |
30/12/16 16:55h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Logitech G Winter Series 2017 Cup #1 | |
30/12/16 17:17h | join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Logitech G Winter Series 2017 Cup #1 | |
10/01/17 04:34h | leave_league ESL Play CR 1on1 King's Ladder Global | |
11/01/17 11:33h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Logitech G Winter Series 2017 Cup #2 | |
11/01/17 11:51h | join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Logitech G Winter Series 2017 Cup #2 | |
19/01/17 04:46h | join_team Deleted account (5804021) | |
23/01/17 16:11h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Logitech G Winter Series 2017 Cup #4 | |
23/01/17 17:28h | join_league ESL Play Line of Sight 1on1 Logitech G Winter Series 2017 Cup #4 | |
26/01/17 09:50h | register_team Deleted account (10884951) | |
31/01/17 11:08h | team_kick Deleted account (10194263) / by Deleted account (8891639) | |
01/02/17 04:46h | join_team Deleted account (10720999) | |
04/02/17 09:49h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global | |
04/02/17 10:12h | join_league ESL Play Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global | |
12/02/17 07:47h | join_team Deleted account (10943347) | |
12/02/17 07:57h | team_kick Deleted account (10720999) / by Bubbles (6363872) | |
12/02/17 08:42h | join_team SixthSenSe WF (10487885) | |
12/02/17 10:41h | join_team Deleted account (10944492) | |
12/02/17 11:26h | team_kick Deleted account (10944492) / by SwitchJZS (9768364) | |
18/02/17 04:09h | join_team otóż to (10301687) | |
26/02/17 11:23h | join_team onlyRetards (10995139) | |
26/02/17 11:54h | leave_team otóż to (10301687) | |
27/02/17 04:20h | register_team Deleted account (10997226) | |
02/03/17 11:03h | join_team otóż to (10301687) | |
18/03/17 11:29h | team_kick otóż to (10301687) / by Kalashi (10018278) | |
18/03/17 12:52h | join_team blackENERGY .LoS (10966586) | |
08/04/17 14:04h | register_team TYL 2on2 .LoS (11165210) | |
08/04/17 19:01h | inactivity_kick ESL Play Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global | |
22/04/17 14:31h | register_team Deleted account (11226838) | |
24/04/17 08:59h | register_team deathEnergY (11234084) | |
30/04/17 07:33h | join_team Deleted account (11248307) | |
07/05/17 07:54h | join_team Deleted account (11222248) | |
13/05/17 07:01h | join_team otóż to (10301687) | |
14/05/17 12:05h | leave_team OrigiN LOS (10558298) | |
14/05/17 12:05h | join_team Deleted account (11304080) | |
17/05/17 15:48h | team_kick Deleted account (11248307) / by mYSysteM (9852945) | |
19/05/17 08:37h | register_team Deleted account (11318883) | |
20/05/17 18:39h | team_kick Deleted account (11222248) / by VIPER (9280377) | |
28/05/17 07:18h | join_team Deleted account (10898737) | |
28/05/17 10:37h | team_kick Deleted account (10898737) / by Deleted account (10886115) | |
01/06/17 06:49h | leave_team Deleted account (10884951) | |
06/06/17 19:27h | leave_team Deleted account (11226838) | |
08/06/17 10:11h | join_team Deleted account (11345076) | |
11/06/17 03:39h | team_kick otóż to (10301687) / by Kalashi (10018278) | |
11/06/17 06:09h | join_team otóż to (10301687) | |
13/06/17 11:24h | team_kick Deleted account (11345076) / by Deleted account (11361714) | |
16/06/17 09:24h | leave_team team.Aga1n (10610336) | |
28/06/17 19:49h | join_team Deleted account (11130886) | |
08/07/17 11:04h | join_team Brainteaser (9011836) | |
08/07/17 12:16h | join_team Team Onesie (11150310) | |
08/07/17 14:05h | team_kick Brainteaser (9011836) / by napster (8454869) | |
10/07/17 08:33h | leave_team We came to lose my frnd R6 (10644895) | |
16/07/17 07:18h | register_team Astrick'eSports (11522373) | |
16/07/17 13:29h | team_kick Team Onesie (11150310) / by Bubbles (6363872) | |
23/07/17 17:51h | team_kick otóż to (10301687) / by Kalashi (10018278) | |
30/07/17 09:15h | team_kick Deleted account (11130886) / by Deleted account (11123169) | |
02/08/17 06:54h | leave_team onlyRetards (10995139) | |
04/08/17 08:34h | join_league ESL Play Warface FFA Kick off Cup #1 Europe | |
09/08/17 09:13h | leave_team Astrick'eSports (11522373) | |
27/08/17 08:31h | join_team otóż to (10301687) | |
30/08/17 12:48h | team_kick otóż to (10301687) / by Kalashi (10018278) | |
13/09/17 12:17h | join_team otóż to (10301687) | |
26/09/17 12:30h | team_kick otóż to (10301687) / by Kalashi (10018278) | |
08/10/17 08:17h | join_team Deleted account (11739714) | |
11/10/17 13:02h | team_kick Deleted account (11739714) / by MAJ0EEE (10579413) | |
15/10/17 08:16h | register_team Deleted account (11812912) | |
15/10/17 08:16h | register_team Deleted account (11812913) | |
15/10/17 09:54h | join_team 31337 Gaming (9439100) | |
16/10/17 04:00h | leave_team Deleted account (11318883) | |
16/10/17 13:32h | team_kick 31337 Gaming (9439100) / by Deleted account (11153597) | |
22/10/17 09:33h | join_team otóż to (10301687) | |
22/10/17 10:20h | team_kick otóż to (10301687) / by Kalashi (10018278) | |
29/10/17 09:12h | join_team caffeine. (9480114) | |
03/11/17 08:40h | team_kick caffeine. (9480114) / by Deleted account (7612311) | |
05/11/17 09:09h | join_team miTex SF2 (11862131) | |
07/11/17 06:55h | leave_team miTex SF2 (11862131) | |
26/11/17 09:00h | join_team 5knp (8820077) | |
28/11/17 15:07h | team_kick 5knp (8820077) / by YoungOne (8610549) | |
15/12/17 08:47h | register_team EnergyK (11987392) | |
17/12/17 08:32h | join_team Team'Stryfe (11994821) | |
18/12/17 06:09h | leave_team Team'Stryfe (11994821) | |
23/12/17 10:25h | join_team RainbowMight (12004255) | |
22/02/18 05:16h | leave_team Teamupsidedown (10534224) | |
10/03/18 12:00h | team_kick RainbowMight (12004255) / by Kalashi (10018278) | |
22/06/18 06:54h | leave_team NeutroN .WF (10198596) | |
28/06/18 07:33h | join_team Deleted account (12589028) | |
29/06/18 18:46h | register_team noNames (12597309) | |
30/06/18 06:23h | leave_team Deleted account (12589028) | |
12/07/18 10:10h | register_team Azgeda .BS (12632970) | |
20/07/18 12:39h | register_team Deleted account (12658636) | |
04/08/18 11:49h | register_team Deleted account (12706662) | |
04/08/18 12:35h | join_team Deleted account (12701989) | |
04/08/18 15:38h | leave_team Deleted account (12701989) | |
11/08/18 11:28h | join_team Supremacy (12727730) | |
11/08/18 11:47h | leave_team Supremacy (12727730) | |
29/09/18 11:22h | join_team Mangorillos (12853477) | |
29/09/18 14:51h | leave_team Mangorillos (12853477) | |
05/10/18 17:36h | join_team Deleted account (12876793) | |
13/10/18 09:40h | register_team nN (12898413) | |
13/10/18 09:41h | register_team Deleted account (12898416) | |
14/10/18 05:44h | join_team Sangal eSports (12725680) | |
19/10/18 14:41h | team_kick Sangal eSports (12725680) / by Much. (12571459) | |
27/10/18 09:49h | join_team Deleted account (12953695) | |
03/11/18 11:09h | join_team Deleted account (12880821) | |
03/11/18 21:17h | leave_team Deleted account (12880821) | |
11/11/18 05:38h | join_team Team Mouse5 (12633676) | |
11/11/18 05:48h | join_team Deleted account (12996258) | |
11/11/18 05:49h | leave_team Team Mouse5 (12633676) | |
11/11/18 07:01h | leave_team Deleted account (12996258) | |
17/11/18 11:16h | join_team InFLAME Gaming (12985123) | |
17/11/18 11:46h | join_team Deleted account (12880821) | |
17/11/18 11:47h | leave_team InFLAME Gaming (12985123) | |
19/11/18 09:49h | team_kick Deleted account (12880821) / by Voody (10472264) | |
24/11/18 09:42h | join_team Deleted account (13035429) | |
29/11/18 14:29h | team_kick Deleted account (13035429) / by Voody (10472264) | |
22/12/18 10:48h | join_team InFLAME Gaming (12985123) | |
22/12/18 11:23h | register_team xim5 (13115601) | |
22/12/18 12:01h | leave_team InFLAME Gaming (12985123) | |
23/12/18 13:38h | leave_team xim5 (13115601) | |
29/12/18 11:25h | join_team EasyA (13131209) | |
19/01/19 10:07h | register_team various (13199841) | |
08/02/19 15:36h | join_team Deleted account (13156893) | |
16/02/19 16:16h | join_team FrostByte EU Division (13298922) | |
20/02/19 10:01h | register_team Deleted account (13313149) | |
22/02/19 11:32h | leave_team FrostByte EU Division (13298922) | |
03/03/19 09:30h | leave_team Deleted account (13313149) | |
23/03/19 13:39h | join_team ReLics (13471363) | |
23/03/19 19:28h | team_kick ReLics (13471363) / by Deleted account (13144371) | |
23/03/19 19:50h | join_team ReLics (13471363) | |
02/04/19 12:47h | join_team Deleted account (13543671) | |
12/04/19 17:43h | join_team TopR6Players (13593979) | |
21/04/19 07:44h | join_team Deleted account (13618684) | |
21/04/19 09:15h | leave_team Deleted account (13618684) | |
23/04/19 16:47h | join_team Dream Nation (13624816) | |
28/04/19 08:32h | join_team Deleted account (13609534) | |
11/05/19 07:16h | join_team Team SaltySpicy (13687027) | |
11/05/19 18:00h | leave_team Dream Nation (13624816) | |
11/05/19 18:00h | leave_team Team SaltySpicy (13687027) | |
19/05/19 08:27h | join_team Deleted account (12621504) | |
24/05/19 09:16h | leave_team TopR6Players (13593979) | |
28/06/19 08:34h | join_team Deleted account (13835041) | |
15/09/19 08:16h | join_team Deleted account (14118325) | |
21/09/19 08:18h | join_team FireStorm Elon (14070210) | |
22/09/19 08:49h | join_team Deleted account (14151293) | |
22/09/19 08:59h | leave_team Deleted account (14151293) | |
27/09/19 12:59h | team_kick Deleted account (14118325) / by Deleted account (13637921) | |
24/11/19 08:10h | join_team Trash Bandits R6 (14300471) | |
30/11/19 08:03h | join_team Team Skulls (14313495) | |
01/12/19 08:28h | join_team MonkaS (14406113) | |
01/12/19 10:30h | leave_team MonkaS (14406113) | |
07/12/19 16:21h | leave_team ReLics (13471363) | |
10/12/19 15:37h | team_kick Team Skulls (14313495) / by Raz (13129344) | |
22/12/19 08:46h | join_team Deleted account (13493867) | |
23/12/19 11:29h | join_team Fire and Flames (14486108) | |
23/12/19 12:23h | leave_team Deleted account (13493867) | |
23/12/19 14:25h | leave_team Fire and Flames (14486108) | |
29/12/19 08:09h | join_team Deleted account (14505826) | |
12/01/20 08:13h | join_team Deleted account (14582602) | |
12/01/20 08:49h | join_team Deleted account (14583476) | |
12/01/20 08:51h | leave_team Deleted account (14582602) | |
19/01/20 04:59h | join_team XTC eSports (14624277) | |
22/01/20 10:27h | team_kick Trash Bandits R6 (14300471) / by Deleted account (13763562) | |
02/02/20 08:39h | join_team Deleted account (14679384) | |
02/02/20 08:48h | join_team Deleted account (13493867) | |
02/02/20 10:05h | leave_team Deleted account (13493867) | |
16/02/20 06:36h | join_team Pride eSports (14797421) | |
16/02/20 08:49h | join_team 12k eSports (14226726) | |
16/02/20 08:52h | team_kick Pride eSports (14797421) / by Deleted account (13177477) | |
16/02/20 10:28h | leave_team 12k eSports (14226726) | |
05/03/20 17:46h | join_team XTC Esports (13824321) | |
21/03/20 09:03h | register_team daGang (14991943) | |
21/03/20 12:14h | team_kick XTC Esports (13824321) / by Deleted account (13518469) | |
28/03/20 17:31h | join_team Grim Reaper Esports (15064250) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick XTC eSports (14624277) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick EasyA (13131209) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick nN (12898413) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick daGang (14991943) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick noNames (12597309) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick Azgeda .BS (12632970) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick various (13199841) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick FireStorm Elon (14070210) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick Grim Reaper Esports (15064250) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick TYL 2on2 .LoS (11165210) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick InFlammable (10750656) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick SixthSenSe WF (10487885) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick blackENERGY .LoS (10966586) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick deathEnergY (11234084) / by Daemon (3) | |
01/06/24 08:37h | team_kick EnergyK (11987392) / by Daemon (3) |