Thomas 'sk1p' Lehmann  id: 965597
created Platform action
18/10/04 05:20h first_login 
21/10/04 14:58h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder
21/10/04 17:00h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder
28/10/04 17:36h join_team  Chaos Trupp Germany (894136)
31/01/05 06:28h join_team  Deleted account (1100814)
12/02/05 04:04h leave_team  Chaos Trupp Germany (894136)
05/03/05 06:55h join_team  Deleted account (1111382)
25/03/05 08:25h register_team  Deleted account (1179967)
30/03/05 08:05h team_kick  Deleted account (1111382) / by Deleted account (33)
03/10/05 07:19h join_team  oKami (1447671)
02/12/05 13:24h register_team  Deleted account (1541119)
20/12/05 12:52h register_team  Deleted account (1571068)
15/02/06 18:00h join_team  Deleted account (1667027)
10/04/06 15:40h join_team  Deleted account (1723646)
29/06/06 12:01h register_team  oKami AllStarZ 4 Ever (1914147)
17/07/06 11:18h join_team  For ever in LOVE Call of Duty (1939355)
16/08/06 16:43h join_team  Deleted account (1987912)
31/08/06 06:50h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
17/09/06 11:25h join_team  Deutscher Laender Cup (2037480)
17/09/06 13:28h join_team  Team Sachsen (2037993)
17/01/07 06:32h join_team  Deleted account (2249646)
22/01/07 09:47h team_kick  Deleted account (1667027) / by Deleted account (34)
22/01/07 12:18h team_kick  Deleted account (2249646) / by (-)
28/01/07 16:41h register_team  Deleted account (2274649)
29/01/07 16:33h register_team  oKami - Lets Frag... (2276523)
08/02/07 11:17h join_team  Deleted account (2293202)
02/03/07 10:54h leave_team  Deleted account (2274649)
02/03/07 10:57h join_team  oKami.fighters (1799783)
09/03/07 18:31h leave_team  Deutscher Laender Cup (2037480)
09/03/07 18:33h leave_team  Team Sachsen (2037993)
11/04/07 11:22h join_team  oKami.cod2 (2314594)
13/04/07 08:44h team_kick  oKami.fighters (1799783) / by Daemon (3)
13/04/07 12:01h leave_team  oKami.cod2 (2314594)
07/07/07 09:56h join_team  oKami.fighters (1799783)
22/09/07 06:46h leave_team  Deleted account (2293202)
22/09/07 06:47h leave_team  oKami - Lets Frag... (2276523)
22/09/07 06:48h leave_team  oKami (1447671)
18/10/07 15:00h join_team  lntergalactic (978644)
23/10/07 12:05h join_team  oKami (1447671)
22/11/07 16:16h join_team  Deleted account (2825760)
25/11/07 06:45h first_login_esltv 
11/12/07 14:23h leave_team  Deleted account (2825760)
24/12/07 07:37h leave_team  oKami.fighters (1799783)
30/12/07 15:14h join_team  noRemorse Ehrenclub (2832440)
01/01/08 08:26h join_team  Deleted account (2876647)
17/01/08 12:13h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
17/01/08 14:02h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
03/05/08 08:02h leave_team  Deleted account (2876647)
06/06/08 10:36h join_team  oKami.fighters (1799783)
28/08/08 23:50h decrease_trustlevel  1 -> 0
17/02/09 17:34h team_kick  oKami.fighters (1799783) / by Deleted account (1114694)
29/09/22 09:36h team_kick  oKami (1447671) / by Daemon (3)
29/09/22 09:36h team_kick  noRemorse Ehrenclub (2832440) / by Daemon (3)
29/09/22 09:36h team_kick  oKami AllStarZ 4 Ever (1914147) / by Daemon (3)
29/09/22 09:36h team_kick  For ever in LOVE Call of Duty (1939355) / by Daemon (3)
29/09/22 09:36h team_kick  lntergalactic (978644) / by Daemon (3)