Carpis  id: 9781852
created Platform action
23/01/16 17:41h first_login_default 
23/01/16 17:46h join_team  Ey B0ss i have a cancer (9777676)
04/02/16 13:50h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #24 CZSK
04/02/16 15:41h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #24 CZSK
08/02/16 12:29h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone League of Explorers Tournament #16 Europe
01/04/16 22:09h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #29 CZSK
02/04/16 07:57h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Blizzfan Cup #29 CZSK
14/10/16 06:42h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Cup #1
14/10/16 09:15h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Cup #1
15/10/16 11:51h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Cup #1
15/10/16 11:51h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Cup #1
17/10/16 17:11h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Mobcrush Cup #2 Europe
17/10/16 17:13h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Cup #2
17/10/16 17:15h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Tournament Of The Old Gods #48 Europe
18/10/16 14:00h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Cup #2
18/10/16 15:34h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Tournament Of The Old Gods #49 Europe
30/10/16 18:04h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Halloween Cup
30/10/16 18:39h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone (PC) Czech Republic & Slovakia Halloween Cup
21/04/17 02:35h register_team  KyScReW (11219666)
09/07/17 17:35h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Páteční HS Cup #9 CZSK
10/07/17 15:31h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Un'Goro Conquest Adventure #11 Europe
11/07/17 04:51h join_league  ESL Play Páteční HS Cup #9 CZSK
11/07/17 13:22h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Last Hero of Un'Goro #10 Europe
18/09/17 11:21h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone The Frozen Conquest Adventure #3 Europe
18/09/17 11:35h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone ROG GAME ON - #3 CZSK
22/09/17 12:19h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone ROG GAME ON - #3 CZSK
28/09/17 12:30h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Last Hero of The Frozen Throne #4 Europe
28/09/17 12:52h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Last Hero of The Frozen Throne #4 Europe
05/10/17 03:11h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Last Hero of The Frozen Throne #5 Europe
08/10/17 05:00h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone ROG GAME ON - #5 CZSK
19/10/17 16:00h join_team  Deleted account (11829187)
23/10/17 07:14h team_kick  Deleted account (11829187) / by Deleted account (9210719)
23/10/17 07:21h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone The Frozen Conquest Adventure #8 Europe
07/07/18 08:57h join_team  PochinkiWarriors (12062176)
07/07/18 11:23h join_roster  for team #12062176 in PUBG Squad Community Cup #5 CZSK #178890 by #11953032
16/07/18 17:37h register_team  ProneSquad (12645220)
19/07/18 11:02h join_roster  for team #12645220 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #7 CZSK #179197
26/07/18 16:39h join_roster  for team #12645220 in PUBG Squad Community Cup #8 CZSK #179214 by #9210719
01/08/18 11:30h join_roster  for team #12645220 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #10 Europe #177592 by #9210719
01/08/18 13:28h join_roster  for team #12645220 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #9 CZSK #180032
03/08/18 05:04h join_league  ESL Play PUBG Solo Community Cup #9 CZSK
03/08/18 05:04h join_league  ESL Play PUBG Solo Community Cup #9 CZSK
23/08/18 10:29h join_roster  for team #12645220 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #12 CZSK #181286 by #9210719
25/08/18 14:47h join_roster  for team #12062176 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #14 Europe #179461 by #11953032
14/10/18 07:50h join_team  YASNABOYZ (12901203)
14/10/18 07:57h join_roster  for team #12901203 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #21 Europe #183169 by #11953032
06/04/19 15:54h join_team  Deleted account (12516621)
07/04/19 03:09h join_roster  for team #12516621 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #10 #191213 by #12516608
10/04/19 14:13h join_roster  for team #12516621 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #11 #191214 by #12516608
13/04/19 16:55h leave_team  Deleted account (12516621)
13/04/19 16:55h removed_from_roster  for team #12516621 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #11 #191214
13/04/19 16:58h join_team  Red Dragons (13594850)
14/04/19 07:26h join_roster  for team #13594850 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #11 #191214 by #11697123
25/05/19 07:10h join_team  WHO? (13633806)
25/05/19 09:24h join_roster  for team #13633806 in PUBG Squad Challenger Series Tournament #17 Europe #192807 by #9380851
18/08/19 06:32h join_team  Wadup (13842302)
18/08/19 06:54h join_roster  for team #13842302 in PUBG Squad Challenger Series Tournament #29 Europe #196298 by #12450016
24/08/19 10:07h team_kick  Wadup (13842302) / by Shadee (12450016)