created | Platform | action |
28/02/16 06:39h | first_login_default | |
28/02/16 06:42h | join_team Team SIGMA (9842800) | |
03/03/16 12:43h | leave_team Team SIGMA (9842800) | |
03/03/16 13:24h | register_team Failed to Resupply Ammunition (9928390) | |
07/03/16 14:34h | register_team Deleted account (9942287) | |
18/03/16 17:00h | join_team Dank memes (8528945) | |
18/04/16 11:19h | join_team Toms Mum Team (9961122) | |
19/04/16 15:26h | join_team Reckless Grandma Totally (9745744) | |
20/06/16 12:52h | join_team 4Fun Team (10190899) | |
04/07/16 11:36h | team_kick 4Fun Team (10190899) / by Deleted account (7966692) | |
23/10/16 03:53h | join_team NotLikeThis (10561266) | |
22/12/16 11:01h | first_login_esltv | |
22/12/16 17:56h | first_login_esltv | |
28/04/17 08:29h | join_team Dank Paria (11235636) | |
13/05/17 16:44h | join_team Team Paria (10494613) | |
06/09/17 15:26h | team_kick Team Paria (10494613) / by HueyNL (8650309) | |
13/06/21 17:02h | team_kick Dank Paria (11235636) / by Daemon (3) | |
13/06/21 17:02h | team_kick NotLikeThis (10561266) / by Daemon (3) | |
13/06/21 17:02h | team_kick Failed to Resupply Ammunition (9928390) / by Daemon (3) | |
13/06/21 17:02h | team_kick Dank memes (8528945) / by Daemon (3) | |
13/06/21 17:02h | team_kick Toms Mum Team (9961122) / by Daemon (3) | |
13/06/21 17:02h | team_kick Reckless Grandma Totally (9745744) / by Daemon (3) |