created Platform action
20/03/16 23:14h first_login_default 
21/03/16 23:36h join_team  Sly Gaming (9951054)
10/04/16 02:11h team_kick  Sly Gaming (9951054) / by Deleted account (9954336)
12/03/17 15:31h join_team  Collision Gaming (11042575)
13/03/17 00:12h leave_team  Collision Gaming (11042575)
26/03/17 15:16h join_team  Collision Gaming (11042575)
02/04/17 15:03h team_kick  Collision Gaming (11042575) / by Deleted account (10971170)
23/04/17 01:37h join_team  Troll Team 6 (9851007)
01/07/17 00:55h team_kick  Troll Team 6 (9851007) / by DerekTheDad (9850955)
26/08/18 16:43h join_team  MoonBear (12487614)
05/04/21 17:53h join_team  Silverline Esports (16655904)
05/04/21 18:03h leave_team  MoonBear (12487614)
05/04/21 20:59h join_roster  for team #16655904 in PUBG (PC) Masters Americas Phase 1 Open Qualifiers Round 1 - North America #222042 by #16655901
03/06/21 20:55h leave_team  Silverline Esports (16655904)
07/02/22 01:26h join_team  Blues Clues (17511032)
07/02/22 02:53h join_roster  for team #17511032 in PUBG (PC) Masters Americas Phase 1 Round 1 North America #234666 by #17739725
12/02/22 18:56h join_roster  for team #17511032 in PUBG (PC) Masters Americas Phase 1 Round 2 North America #234667 by #17739725
14/06/22 22:29h join_team  Noobs With Aim (16961116)
14/06/22 22:56h leave_team  Blues Clues (17511032)
17/06/22 23:14h join_roster  for team #16961116 in PUBG (PC) Masters Americas Phase 2 Round 1 North America #238527 by #16961103
28/07/22 11:42h leave_team  Noobs With Aim (16961116)
26/08/22 01:26h register_team  Exit Strategy eSports (17576630)