Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Bramo id: 13161505 created Platform action 07/01/19 21:35h first_login_default 16/01/19 06:38h register_team Deleted account (13187315) 06/04/19 20:24h join_team 1300-699-806 (13535974) 10/08/19 05:04h join_team Adapt Esports (13949851) 28/09/19 19:18h join_team Torque (13865405) 30/10/19 09:30h join_team Deleted account (14259705) 30/10/19 17:10h team_kick Deleted account (14259705) / by Astriqx (13346881) 09/11/19 18:38h join_team Deleted account (14102609) 14/12/19 10:46h join_team goat4 gunners (14453748) 30/01/20 08:52h team_kick Adapt Esports (13949851) / by Luxi (12295473) 07/03/20 18:02h join_team Deleted account (14881575) 02/05/20 05:24h register_team Deleted account (15495660) 25/07/20 21:57h join_team Werther's Originals (16019232) 28/10/20 22:47h join_team Whisky and Beers (16278473) 29/01/21 21:09h team_kick Whisky and Beers (16278473) / by Deleted account (12414598) 30/01/21 04:38h join_team Orange Team (16548759) 01/03/25 03:31h ESL team_kick Werther's Originals (16019232) / by Daemon (3) 01/03/25 03:31h ESL team_kick Orange Team (16548759) / by Daemon (3) 01/03/25 03:31h ESL team_kick 1300-699-806 (13535974) / by Daemon (3) 01/03/25 03:31h ESL team_kick goat4 gunners (14453748) / by Daemon (3) 01/03/25 03:31h ESL team_kick Torque (13865405) / by Daemon (3)