EUTERHAND  id: 1001557
RAM 4 GB DDR3-1333Mhz v. Crucial (Microns)
Videocard HD5830
Soundcard On Board
Storage Western Digital Black Caviar 640GB
Motherboard ASUS Sabertooth 990FX
Display HP w2448hc
OS Windows 7 Prof 64-Bit
Antivirus MSE
Mouse Microsoft Intelli
Mouse Skatez N/A
Mousepad N/A
Keyboard Logitech G-15
Headphones Sennheiser PC 350
Connection Telekom VDSL50
Wheel/Pedals N/A
Joypad N/A
TV Panasonic 50GT30
Console(s) Playstation 2 , SNES + N64 , Xbox360
Handheld(s) Nexus 4 @ 16GB
Drink Wodka
Food Pizza
Movie American History X
Music Falco
Song Out of the Dark / Jeanny / Vienna Caling
Book Song of ice and fire
Book author N/A
Person Falco
Actor / Actress Bruce Willis
Car N/A
Sport N/A
Athlete N/A
Map De_Cbble
Clan N/A
Player N/A
Game Hero N/A
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Untote
Console SNES
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://N/A
Website 2 http://N/A
Website 3 http://N/A
Website 4 http://N/A
Versus = Gestaltenpoker :)

'Gibt es irgend etwas wovor Du konkret Angst hast?"
Ja - den Tod, weil er so etwas lächerlich Endgültiges ist,
das ist für mich die Ur-Angst, und was anderes kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.

In Gedenken an Falco