Ryan  id: 1009834
CPU Amd 64 3200+
RAM 1024 DDR 400
Videocard 9800 Pro
Soundcard Onboard
Storage 200 GB
Motherboard Asus
Display Scott
OS Win Xp Pro
CD/DVD DVD Dual Doublelayer 16x
Mouse MX 518
Mouse Skatez weiss net mal was das is
Mousepad 1 euro ding vom flohmarkt ( ist ein komet drauf)
Keyboard Microsoft
Headphones weiss ich net mehr schrift ist schon ab
Connection DSL 100
Wheel/Pedals hab keins
Joypad hab keins
Drink Wodka
Food pG Essen Pizza
Movie Blade III
Music Hoobastank
Song Just One
Book The sum of all fears
Book author Steven King
Person Me
Actor / Actress Me
Car Nissan Skyline
Sport Kickboxen
Athlete peter arts
Map Turtle Rock
Clan Qpool
Player FodderinHo
Game Hero Kotg
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orc
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.web.de
Website 2 http://www.esl-europe.net
Website 3 http://www.google.de
Website 4 http://www.flirtlife.de