ALpha  id: 10621774
CPU AMD Ryzen 1500X
RAM 8GB DDR4 2400
Videocard Gigabyte RX 460 4GB Model
Storage 1 TB WD Blue+250GB HyperX SSD
Motherboard Gigabyte AB 350 Gaming 3
Display 21" 1080p (75Hz) ViewSonic Monitor
OS Windows 10
Antivirus wot is that?
CD/DVD thats gay bruh
Mouse Razer Deathadder Elite
Mousepad Razer Firefly
Keyboard Corsair K55
Headphones Razer Kraken Chroma 7.1,HyperX Cloud II(broken :´(..
Connection Worst Internet Connection in the whole Country
Console(s) PS2(broken),3(no hdd),4(alive)
Mobile Phone Huawei P9 Lite,Samsung Galaxy S7
Drink MNT Dew
Food MNT Dew
Music Joji
Book The Illuminati
Person Me. (XD)
Car R8
Sport Football
Map Consulate (R6S)
Player Me. (lol) (ScreaM is actually my favorite)
Game Hero Kratos
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nibbas
Genre FPS
Console PS4,PC
Playing and Coaching for OnyX Esports

Greek.Rainbow 6 Siege.Team player.Tryhard!

Former teams : Ancient eSports (Team Leader), PreDators eSports (Player), Firefight NG (Co-Leader,Team Management)
Contact email: [email protected]