Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Pentium 4 3,2GhZ HT |
RAM | 1024 DDR |
Videocard | nVidia GeForce FX 5700LE 256mb |
Soundcard | Soundmax |
Storage | 400 GB |
Motherboard | ASUS |
Display | 17' LG Flatron |
OS | WinXP Professional |
Mouse | Genius Optical |
Mouse Skatez | Základ |
Mousepad | Nice to gel |
Keyboard | Microsoft MultiMedia |
Headphones | Genius |
Connection | 3,4Mbit wiriles |
Wheel/Pedals | No ;-) |
Joypad | Logitech Dual Action |
TV | HBO |
Sound system | SONY |
Console(s) | PlayStation |
Handheld(s) | PSP |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Pivo a to ostatní |
Food | Palačinky mňam :) |
Movie | Harry Potter |
Music | Co mi příde pod ruku :D |
Song | In the End (Linkin Park) |
Book | Harry Potter |
Book author | J.K. Rowlingová |
Person | ♥ |
Actor / Actress | Michal Pusch |
Car | Ferrari 575 Maranello Novitec |
Sport | Florbal, Soccer , BeachVoleyball |
Athlete | David Beckham |
Favourite... | |
Map | Waterfall - Indiana Country |
Clan | SkyRiders.Vc |
Player | Diesel,Akal,Best,wars,Paja,Kentus,Liquid,Blek,Dia |
Game Hero | Smolíček Pacholíček |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Elfové a Trpaslíci ;) |
Genre | skoro vše |
Console | ??? |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.soccerproject... |
Website 2 | http://efotbal.cz |
Website 3 | http://xchat.cz |
Website 4 | http://realmadrid.com/por.. |
|►۞●► -My nickname : Michelo |►۞●► -Online Gaming since December 2004 |►۞●► -My Ranking: 2nd NHL05 & 1st VC 1na1 ۞>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SkyR)M!chel0<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<۞ „Dokonalosti se dosahuje maličkostmi, ale dokonalost není maličkost.“ ™My Clan History™ ◄ Battle Day Vietnam ► ◄ Snake and Squad ► ◄ SKi Gaming ► ◄ nEcropolisx Team ► ◄ die for Flag ► ◄ Dark Riders.vc nEw sCh0oL ► ◄ SkyRiders.Vc ► ◄ Komedy Team.vc ► ◄ DOG Soldiers of Kadan - Alternative Team ► ™My Info™ ◄ Name ► Michal 'Michelo' Pusch ◄ Birthdate ► 06.02.1990 ◄ Town ► Třebíč ◄ Online Gamning Since ► December 2004 ◄ Contact ► ICQ: 195-849-990 eMail: [email protected] ™Ingame™ ◄ 1024x768 (16bit color)85Hz ► ◄ Textures in system memory ► ◄ Details: 80% ► ◄ Grass off ► ◄ FPS cca. 35-80 ► ™My System™ ◄ Procesor ► Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.20GHz ◄ Motherboard ► Intel P4P800/P4P800-E series motherboard ◄ GraficCard ► nVidia GeForce FX 5700LE 256mb ◄ Ram Memory ► ◄ HDD ► ◄ Mouse ► Genius Optical ◄ Keyboard ► Compaq ◄ Headset ► Genius HS-04A - Headset ◄ Monitor ► Samsung - SyncMaster 17'' 753DFX ◄ OS ► Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 ◄ My Connection ► 512 wiriles by Mirovka.net ™My Best Rankings™ ◄2nd. Mezihernový ČMSP Vietcong turnaj 1/06► ◄2nd. Logitech Vietcong Liga - sezóna 2/06► ◄2nd. Logitech Vietcong Liga - sezóna 3/05► ◄1st Place in the Vietcong ESL Teamplay Ladder cz► ◄1st Place in the Vietcong ESL Teamplay Ladder eu► ◄1st Place in the Vietcong ESL 2vs2 Ladder cz► ◄1st Place in the Vietcong ESL 1vs1 Ladder cz► ◄2nd Place in the NHL2005 ESL 1vs1 Ladder cz► „Neexistuje zaklínadlo, které nemohou zvrátit. Neexistuje kouzlo, které nedokáží zlomit. Neexistuje ďábel, kterého nedokáží porazit„ Duplicated by the SkyR´wars® |