Espoleon  id: 1067456
CPU AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE @3.8GHz
RAM 4x 2GB
Videocard GeForce 8200 OnBoard, ASUS GTX 760
Soundcard 7.1 OnBoard
Storage 250GB, 1TB
Motherboard ASUS M3N78-VM
Display 21" TFT (1680x1050)
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
Antivirus Kaspersky
Mouse Asus ROG Gladius II Origin
Keyboard Labtec
Connection 400 MBit
Sound system Logitech Z 2300
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy A50
Drink Bacardi, Cokau
Food Ofengerichte, Salate
Movie Nicolas Cage, Der Herr Der Ringe
Music Linkin Park, OneRepublic, Andy Hunter
Song Iridescent
Book Frau Deutsch - Deutsch Frau
Book author Marion Zimmer Bradley
Person Chester Bennington, Mike Shinoda
Actor / Actress Nicolas Cage, Bruce Willis, Adam Sandler
Car 67' Shelby Mustang GT 500, Chevrolet Camaro
Sport eSport
Map de_cbble, de_inferno, de_dust2_unlimited
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nightelf
Console Nintendo, Playstation
»Alle Träume können wahr werden, wenn wir den Mut haben ihnen zu folgen!«

You build up hope, but failure's all you've known
And all that he wants, is all that he wants.
And all that he wants, is all that he wants.
And all that he wants, is a minute with her.