Böszörményi 'bRc-' Bertalan  id: 10876551
CPU AMD FX(tm)-8350 ; 4 Ghz ; 16Mb Cache
RAM Kingston 16GB (2x4GB) + (1x8GB) DDR3 1866MHz
Videocard GIGABYTE Radeon RX460 4GB Gaming OC
Storage Toshiba 2TB 64MB 7200rpm SATA3
Motherboard GIGABYTE
Display BenQ GL2460
OS Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials
Mouse WhiteShark Gaming Mouse
Mousepad A4Tech X7-300MP
Keyboard Genesis Thor300 TKL Mechanical Keyboard
Headphones Media-Tech MT3560
Connection UPC : 12Mb/s Download | 1,5Mb/s Upload
Joypad Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
TV Samsung Smart TV
Console(s) Xbox 360 500Gb
Mobile Phone +36 31 782 1403
Drink Coke
Food Hot-Dog
Movie In Time
Music Tove Lo - Cool Girl | Rag'n'Bone Man - Human
Sport Football
Map de_mirage
Clan Team Envyus, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere
Player s1mple, Stewie2k, kennyS, Niko, Koosta
Game Hero s1mple, NiKo
Console Xbox ONE
"If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best"

Currently playing for ???..