zeroice  id: 110804
CPU Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
RAM 12288 MB DDR3 Triple Channel
Videocard ATI Radeon HD 6950
Soundcard Realtek onboard 7.1
Storage Crucial M4 128MB
Motherboard Intel X58 rev 12
Display LG Flatron W2252TQ
OS Windows7 64bit
Mouse Roccat Kone
Mouse Skatez std
Mousepad S&S steel
Keyboard Logitech G15 oldskewl blue
Headphones Plantronics Gamecom
Connection KD 32Mbit
Wheel/Pedals Saitek Cyborg EVO (Joystick)
Joypad Saitek P880
TV 2,10m Bildschirmdiagonale
Sound system ne fette :)
Console(s) einige...
Handheld(s) einige...
Drink original Smirnoff ICE - Tequilla
Food Pizza
Movie ne Menge...
Music the same as above
Song the same as above and above
Book Herr der Ringe
Book author Tolkin
Person Sandra
Actor / Actress Jacky Chan - Jet LI - Andy Lau - Jean Reno
Car Ford Mondeo Sport Edition (Bj. 94); Ford Focus
Sport e-sport
Map Fushe Pass
Clan fraggarz
Game Hero Samus
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Vulkanier
Genre Killerspiele
Console ALLE!
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.computerbase.d..
Website 3
Website 4