Charles 'Pkbubbles' Woodward  id: 11180457
Headphones Turtle Beach XOXO One
TV 48" Samsung Smart TV
Console(s) Xbox one
Handheld(s) Galaxy S7, Tab E
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S7
Drink Orange juice
Food All except tomatoes, mushrooms
Movie Braveheart,300,Troy,Rob Roy
Music Three days Grace, System of the Down, Puscifier
Song Riot, Pain, Animal I have become
Book The Corsican
Book author Bill Granger
Actor / Actress Tom Hardy
Car 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1, Cherry Red
Sport Football,Baseball
Athlete Matt Ryan, Julio Jones, Chipper Jones
Map Nuketown
Clan Player Killers, pk for short
Player Pkbubbles
Game Hero Van Helsing
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Elves
Genre Rpg/Fps
Console Xbox
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://Espn
Website 2 http://Cracked
Website 3 http://Amazon
Website 4 http://Google