chopp0riz0r  id: 1120529
CPU Intel E6750 @ 2.8
RAM Corsair 2048mb 800 CL5
Videocard 8800 GTS 320mb
Soundcard OnBoard
Storage 2x 160bg im raid0 +250gb
Motherboard dini muetter ASUS
Display 17 samsung röhre
OS xp home
CD/DVD Dual Layer DVD Brenner
Mouse Mx510
Mouse Skatez schwarzi neger
Mousepad steelpad 4d
Keyboard standard
Headphones sennheiser
Connection 4mbit cable
Drink yamyam alkohol
Food yamyam fleisch
Movie Shaun of the Dead
Music bit of all
Book lol
Book author lol
Person hmm sie heisst so speziell
Actor / Actress lol
Car yahama r6
Sport Handball; Snowboard
Athlete Shaun White
Map öhm
Clan mbG + nggrsp0rts
Player lol
Game Hero lol
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) white xD