Daniel 'Diddy' Rawding  id: 11291053

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As a short intro, I'm Ae Shade pro shit-talker for the Audacity team (not towards other teams, just our team!) as well as being a consistent fragger.

- You gotta play to win! The reason why?
Losing's boring . . .

In more detail, I'm a keen pursuer of a lead into Psychological fields. My main interest in education is furthering my own understanding of the human brain and what leads people to take the choices they choose. As a result I pride myself on being somewhat intelligent when it comes to thinking up new strategies or spontaneous plays in game to throw off or open an opportunity for the team.

My other main interest would obviously be gaming, it is a hobby I have been doing since I was 4 years old starting on the Gamecube playing Super Mario Sunshine or Spyro on the Gameboy Advanced. Now I play Lots of Rainbow Six trying to improve myself with every game until eventually my team makes it to the top 16, although I'm not gonna stop there :D