Hardware | |
CPU | Core i7 920 |
RAM | 6144 DDR3 |
Videocard | GTX295 |
Soundcard | Sennheiser PC165USB |
Storage | 1x 120 GB SSD 1* 1 TB WD |
Motherboard | Asus P6T |
Display | Samsung 226BW |
OS | Windows 7 Home Premium |
CD/DVD | NoName |
Mouse | Razer Lachesis |
Mousepad | RAZER eXactMat Xcontrol |
Keyboard | Sidewinder X6 |
Headphones | Sennheiser PC165USB |
Connection | V-DSL 24000+ |
Console(s) | SNES, N64 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Whisky |
Food | Pizza |
Movie | Der Fluch der Karibik; Mean Guns |
Music | Rock |
Song | Fort Minor - Remember The Name |
Book | Die Chronik Der Unsterblichen; MTG: Die Arena |
Book author | Wolfgang Hohlbein |
Person | Jesse James; Achilles; Garth Einauge |
Actor / Actress | Bruce Willis; Keira Knightley |
Car | Mitsubishi Eclipse |
Sport | Ultimate Fighting |
Athlete | Ken Shamrock |
Favourite... | |
Map | cs_winternights |
Clan | Team 3D |
Player | Kyle "ksharp" Miller |
Game Hero | Zelda |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Gott |
Genre | Fantasy |
Console | SNES |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 4 | http://www.esl.eu |
Wanna know what Gun-Kata is? Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tINWl0gzQWI Meine FragMovies http://youtube.com/watch?v=5_aGgin3T6c ///////////////////////// Meine alten Aliases: The Fox Train; [SiFa]Flanders; -=friends=-Foxy[Andy]; -=TW=-Jesse James; [MR]Mythos; vgg|Achilles; Pro-Test; *RafX*Jesse James; ///////////////////////// Meine EX-Clans: Simpsons Familie; -=friends=-; Team Wizard; MouSe RulezZ; Virtual Gamers Germany; BoonGamers; RafniX ///////////////////////// |