Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 |
RAM | 2048MB Corsair TwinX |
Videocard | 8800GTS @ 640MB |
Soundcard | Sound-on-board |
Storage | 160GB - who needs more space? |
Motherboard | MSI P965 Neo |
Display | BenQ FP93G X |
OS | XP |
CD/DVD | LG Multi-DvD Brenner |
Mouse | 20€ Miststück |
Mousepad | Werbegeschenk |
Keyboard | Standart |
Headphones | SpeedLink ... |
Connection | DSL 768kb/s ~~ |
Wheel/Pedals | - |
Joypad | - |
TV | - |
Sound system | - |
Console(s) | N64! |
Handheld(s) | - |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Wasser |
Food | Pizza |
Movie | 300 |
Music | Metal |
Song | Number of the beast |
Book | Warcraft Krieg der Ahnen Triologie |
Book author | - |
Person | - |
Actor / Actress | - |
Car | - |
Sport | - |
Athlete | - |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_inferno (ab 5on5 aufwärts) |
Clan | - |
Player | - |
Game Hero | Link |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Human |
Genre | RPG/Shooter |
Console | N64 |
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