Hardware | |
CPU | AMD X2 3800+ EE |
RAM | 2048 MB DDR2-800 |
Videocard | Geforce 7600GT 128MB |
Soundcard | Gewäschs in 5.1 Quali |
Storage | 2x 250 GB Samsung Spinpoint |
Motherboard | MSI K9N Platinum |
Display | 19" |
OS | Win XP prof |
CD/DVD | Samsung 8x DVD RW |
Mouse | Logitech MX 518 |
Mouse Skatez | was fürn scheiß ? |
Mousepad | Ikea Küchenbrett - blau |
Keyboard | Genius |
Headphones | Plantronics GameCom1 Pro |
Connection | Kabel DSL 10000 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Gin Tonic (Monkey's) mit Gurke |
Food | Lasagne, Mensafraß ! |
Movie | Austin "Danger" Powers 1-3 |
Music | Metallica, Motörhead |
Song | Moth into the flame,Born to raise hell |
Book | Vollhardt organische Chemie |
Person | Moi Schatzi |
Actor / Actress | Lauren Graham ! |
Sport | Schneebreddle, Tennis |
Athlete | Vinny - the axe - Jones |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_prodigy , de_survivor |
Game Hero | LINK!!!! |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://ballz.de |
still alive! Save Water/Shower together ;) |