Anton 'IamAnton' Braun  id: 1144813
CPU i7-975 Extreme
RAM 16 GBs Corsair
Videocard Radeon HD 4850 x2
Storage 300GB Raptor / 1TB Storage
Motherboard Intel X-58
Display 24Inch LG HDWS
OS Windows Vista Ultimate
CD/DVD LG Multi-Writer
Mouse Razor CopperHead
Mousepad Mantis
Keyboard Razer Tarantula
Headphones Seinheiser HD280's Silver Pro's
Connection Shaw Cable Extreme
TV 50' LG HDTV 1080pi
Sound system Logitech Z5500
Console(s) Wii//PS2//PS3//Xbox360
Handheld(s) Nintendo DS/PSP
Drink Dr.Pepper
Food Homemade Hamburgers
Movie Shawshank Redemption // Starship Troopers
Music Almost Every Genre Except Country!
Song Smashing Pumpkins - The beginning is the end...
Book Deception Point // Rise of the Lich King
Book author Dan Brown
Person Jennifer Hsiung
Actor / Actress Russle Crowe//Jessica Alba
Car BMW M6 Coupe
Sport Hockey/MMA
Athlete Steve Yzerman // George St-Pierre
Map Twisted Meadows
Clan NG Gaming
Player Any1 who uses the Pitlord =)
Game Hero Pitlord
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Undead
Genre Real Time Strategy
Console Xbox 360
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://allyourbaseonline...
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4