Wallkecks  id: 1182942
CPU Ahtlon X2 7750 BE 3.0 Ghz
RAM 4 GB OCZ 1150 DDR 2
Videocard Sapphire AMD 6850 Toxic
Soundcard Onboard
Storage 1x 320 GB 2x 160 GB Seagate
Motherboard FOxconn A7DA-S
Display 19" TFT + 17" CRT
OS Windows 7 64 Bit
Antivirus NOD 32
Mouse Roccat Kone
Mousepad Roccat Taito
Keyboard Logitech Media Keyboard
Headphones Plantronics DSP 500
Connection 32k/2k Cable Deutschland
Joypad PS2 Controller
TV Twinhan DVB-S
Sound system Logitech 5.1 X-530
Drink alles mit dem %-Zeichen
Movie Operation: Dance Sensation
Music Rap, House, Electro, Metal........
Song Basket Case :-D
Person Nikki Neal hehe
Car Lamborghini Countach
Sport Baseball
Athlete we trust in Klinsi
Map de_inferno
Game Hero Solid Snake
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orcs
Genre Horror
Console PS2
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.tomshardware.d..
There coming thru the wall, was it luck,skill or just prediction? Who cares? Youre dead :_D. Trust in wallbanging... -=]GST[=-Battle Arena CS visit us www.gst-team.com | 1000FPS Power