cracker  id: 118441
CPU Intel Pentium 4 3,4 GHz Extreme Edition
RAM 512 MB DDR Corsair
Videocard ATi Radeon 9600 XT
Soundcard on Board
Storage Samsung 160 Gb
Motherboard Shuttle
Display 17'' Belinea TFT & 19'' Gericom
OS Windows XP Professional
CD/DVD Toshiba CD/CD-RW/DVD Kombo
Mouse Logitech MX310
Mouse Skatez no
Mousepad Speedpad
Keyboard Vivanco
Headphones Sony MDR-V300
Connection T-DSL 1000 FP
Sound system 5.1
Drink Bier
Food alles
Movie Confidence, Smoke, Ocean's 11/12/13
Music Rock 'n Roll, Alternative, Indie, Stoner-Rock
Song too many
Book Herr der Ringe
Book author Mark J. Williams
Person none
Actor / Actress Seth Green, Harvey Keitel, Bill Pepper ...
Car Pontiac GTO
Sport Basketball
Map de_dust2, de_inferno
Console Xbox 360
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.alternate-atta..
Website 2

Former member of: KdL, unLimited, Pandora, Imperial, Heinerfest, ALTERNATE aTTaX, Divin, Team9, mTw, DkH, SK-Gaming, mousesports, 4Players

Member of Umbrella Corporation


9th CPL Berlin with unLimited
1st LanArena CS 5on5 with unLimited
1st ESPL 2001 with unLimited
1st Clanbase 2000 with unlimited
1st Gamestar Liga I with unLimited
1st Stammkneipe 2001 with Imperial
MVP of Gamestar League Stage Season 1
14th best CS-Player of the World in Year 2000 (gotfrag ranking)
3rd Lanreal III CS 5on5
2nd Lanreal III NFSU 1on1

Ex Clans:

#KdL Krieger des Lichts
#unLimited unLimited
#pandora Pandora
#imperial Imperial
#heinerfest Heinerfest
#divin Divin
#team9 Team9
#mtw mymtw/rushed
#dkh Deutschlands kranke Horde
#sk SK-Gaming
#mousesports Mousesports

Played in various Teams with various former EPS Players. Oldschool never dies!