Dushko 'daffy' Dogandzic  id: 1222886
CPU Intel E8200
RAM 4gb OCZ Value
Videocard Palit 8800 GT 512mb
Soundcard INT
Storage 160 SATA2
Motherboard Asus P5K/EPU
Display Samsung 957DF
OS Vista ULTIMATE 64bit
Antivirus none
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Mouse Skatez none
Mousepad SteelPad SX
Keyboard Microsoft Natural 4000
Headphones Altec Lansing H502
Connection 1500/192 kbps telekom
Wheel/Pedals n/none
Joypad none
TV Plextor external
Sound system Genius SW 5.1 HomeTheater
Console(s) none
Handheld(s) none
Drink natural juice
Food mars candy
Movie Psychedelic trance movie
Music psy/trance ambiental
Song gms - juice (dunno they`r all good)
Book don`t read books
Book author Look Above
Person myself
Actor / Actress none
Car Ford Mustang Shelby 67
Sport Counter Strike
Athlete none
Map inferno
Clan painfull memories
Player none
Game Hero hostage
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Girlz(is there any other)
Genre fps
Console none
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.klanrur.co.yu/..
Website 2 http://www.gotfrag.com/cs
Website 3 http://forum.uzice.net
Website 4 http://www.killsometime.c..
"You`r so in tune with the music and there`s no distance, no distinction between you, the music and everyone else dancing you are actually lifted up as on a wave and carried"