Hardware | |
CPU | Ryzen 9 5900X |
RAM | 16GB |
Videocard | GeForce RTX 3070ti |
Soundcard | - |
Storage | 1TB |
Motherboard | - |
Display | 1920x1080 |
OS | Windows 11 Pro |
Antivirus | - |
CD/DVD | 1.22 mm Drive |
Mouse | Logitech G-Pro Wireless |
Mouse Skatez | - |
Mousepad | Razer |
Keyboard | Razer Huntsman Mini |
Headphones | Astro A20 |
Connection | NordVPN |
Wheel/Pedals | Wii Steering Wheel |
Joypad | Atari Joystick |
TV | Samsung 4k |
Sound system | Surround Sound |
Console(s) | PS4 / Xbox Series S / PC |
Handheld(s) | PS Vita |
Mobile Phone | iPhone 13 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Water |
Food | Brownies |
Movie | Harry Potte |
Music | Coldplay |
Song | Sparks |
Book | The Bearenstein Bears |
Book author | Mark Twain |
Person | - |
Actor / Actress | Adam Sandler |
Car | Buick Lacrosse |
Sport | Rugby |
Athlete | - |
Favourite... | |
Map | Coastline |
Clan | - |
Player | oBuffering |
Game Hero | KiXSTAr |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | - |
Genre | - |
Console | Playstation / XBOX / PC |
Can you please stop accusing me of mouse and keyboard? I just am and always will be the better player. Reported For “Having a Keyboard” : 5 Times |