Sheeva  id: 1235112
CPU Core 2 Duo - E8400 (nicht übertaktet atm)
RAM 3096GB Corsair DDR2
Videocard Ati HD4850 / 512MB (Gaming Edition - übertaktet)
Soundcard Onboard Realtek
Storage 2x 640GB WD Caviar Blue
Motherboard Gigabyte DS3
Display HP W2207
OS Windows XP Pro 32 Bit / Windows Seven Beta
Antivirus -
CD/DVD Duallayer DVD Brenner
Mouse Razer Diamondback Limited
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Stonepad - Labrador Blue Pearl
Keyboard Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000
Headphones Steelseries
Connection VDSL 50 000
Wheel/Pedals Logitech Formula EX
Joypad Xbox 360 Wireless
TV -
Sound system Kenwood KRF 7771D
Console(s) Alle :D
Handheld(s) Alle :D
Drink Bier? Tee :P
Food Nehmt die Pilze raus, dann ess ich alles ;)
Movie too many
Music too many - mostly metal / independent / rock ...
Book too many
Book author Stephen King
Map depends on
Clan Sanctuary :D
Game Hero Shodan
Genre FPS
Console Playstation 2
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
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