Hardware | |
CPU | E8400 |
RAM | 4GB DDR3 Corsair |
Videocard | Zalman GF 8800GT |
Soundcard | Onboard |
Storage | 650 GB Western-Digital |
Motherboard | Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3L |
Display | 22" Acer Wide |
OS | Windows 7 64-Bit |
Antivirus | Antivir |
Mouse | Logitech G9x |
Mouse Skatez | KA |
Mousepad | KA |
Keyboard | Razer Lycosa |
Headphones | Speedlink |
Connection | UM Kabel 32 Mbit |
Wheel/Pedals | KA |
Joypad | KA |
TV | KA |
Sound system | KA |
Console(s) | PS3 |
Handheld(s) | KA |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Warsteiner |
Food | American Pizza |
Movie | Dawn of the Dead |
Music | 30 Seconds,Curse,Ray etc. |
Song | KA |
Book | KA |
Book author | KA |
Person | KA |
Actor / Actress | KA |
Car | Fiat |
Sport | KA |
Athlete | KA |
Favourite... | |
Map | KA |
Clan | KA |
Player | KA |
Game Hero | KA |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | KA |
Genre | KA |
Console | KA |