fab  id: 1241774
CPU Intel Dual Core E8400
RAM 4GB von kp
Videocard nVidia 9800GTX
Soundcard On Board :)
Storage 1,5TB
Motherboard MSI P31 Neo
Display Samsung SyncMaster 931BF
OS Windows XP Prof.
Mouse Microsoft IntelliMouse 1.1a <3
Mouse Skatez oO
Mousepad son Teil von Razer
Keyboard Cherry G85
Headphones Sennheiser PC161
Connection Alice 16k
Wheel/Pedals nope
Joypad Saitek
TV nope
Sound system nope
Console(s) nope
Handheld(s) nope
Drink Alles was so Alkohol hat :>
Food Cevapcici über alles!
Movie Donnie Darko, Leon - Der Profi
Music 30 Seconds To Mars, T.D.G., Breaking Benjamin
Song The Offspring - The kids aren't alright
Book Der Pate
Person viele =)
Actor / Actress Jean Reno
Sport Fußball
Map nuke, aztec, dust/2
Clan mousesports, aTTaX CS:S
Player JLN, GreX
Game Hero Link :>
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) n811
Genre fast alles außer Rundenstrategie
Console neee
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.herthabsc.de
Website 2 http://www.esl.eu
Website 3 http://www.starfm.de
Website 4 http://www.wow-europe.com