RiiseN  id: 1242764
CPU Intel i5
RAM 4Go Go DDR3 (3,25 utilisable)
Videocard Nvidia Geforce 580 GTX
Soundcard AVI HD
Storage SeaGate 500Go
Motherboard ASUS P7P55D
Display 19"
OS Windows Seven 32 bits
Antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials
Mouse Logitech MX518
Mouse Skatez Aucun.
Mousepad Razer Goliathus 2
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Sennheiser PC 350
Connection Free ADSL
Wheel/Pedals n/a
Joypad n/a
TV Freebox HDTV,
Sound system AVI HD
Console(s) PS3, XBOX 360
Handheld(s) Sennheiser
Mobile Phone iPhone 4
Drink Coca
Food Paëla
Movie Paranormal Activity
Music Reggae
Song BoB Marley
Book the wiisen of the night !
Book author wiisen !
Person bah personne ...
Actor / Actress Bruce Willis
Car Dodge Viper
Sport Football
Athlete Laure MAMADOU xD
Map de_dust2 , de_inferno et de_nuke
Clan god feelings!
Player Mes m8s
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orcs
Genre gné?!
Console PS3, XBOX 360
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.fcbarcelona.co..
Website 2 http://www.om.net
Website 3 http://www.esl.eu/fr
Website 4 http://www.fast-debrid.co..
‬‬‬‬Come Back in CS:GO ;)

Fiche SK > http://www.sk-gaming.com/member/RiiseN

Counter-Strike 1.6 - godfeelings! : stansenn_, tim@l :), RiiseN, DiiiMz & roN - Line up since Oct. 2009