Ganesh  id: 1251338
CPU AMD Athlon 64 +4000
RAM 2048
Videocard ATI HIS Excalibur X850XT
Soundcard 7.1
Storage 200GB
Motherboard MSI Neo4
Display Benq FP93G X (2ms)
OS Windows XP x64 Edition
Mouse MX510
Mousepad Ricochet Everglide
Keyboard Standart
Headphones Sennheiser
Connection ADSL 2400
Wheel/Pedals G25
Drink hm..
Food hm...
Movie hm....
Music hm.....
Car Hyundai Coupe FP2 Kompressor Funpower
Sport Wakeboarding
Athlete Andy Meyenberg, Fred Träger
Map de_nuke
Clan Shisha 4 Kills - I live with it!!
Favourite Websites
Website 2 http://www.shisha4kills.c..
##Switzerland - Zürich - the ONE##
Its Shisha4kills since february 2005...;)