Lazarus  id: 125419
CPU schnell
RAM viel
Videocard laut
Soundcard lauter
Storage genug
Display 2
OS funzt
CD/DVD habsch
Mouse habsch ach
Mousepad gross
Keyboard schwarz
Headphones habsch glabsch ach
Connection neeeeee
TV kaputt
Console(s) PS2, fast alle alten Sega Konsolen
Handheld(s) GB, GBA, DS, GG
Drink H_2O && Kaffee
Food Asiatisch
Movie Equilibrium, Hero
Music Metal, Heavy && Mittelalter Rock && Musicals
Song "The Phantom of the Opera"
Book "Computational Complexity", "Harry Potter"
Book author Papadimitriou
Sport .. ist Mord :p
Map "Montargis Region"
Clan Ashlen!
Player Premonitioner
Genre Strategie
Console Mein Gameboy :-)
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Ashlen for ever!

Generally the times where I am available for a match are Monday through Friday, 6pm-9pm, as well as nearly the whole saturday. Outside of these times playing against me is highly unlikely, so please keep them in mind when challenging me.

Additionally please try to place an unexpected challenge (as in without contacting me first) at least 2 days in advance. Thanks!