Star_Drago  id: 12733986
CPU Ryzen 1600
RAM 16gb of ADATA
Videocard MSI 1080
Storage SSD and Firecuda
Motherboard Asus B350 Prime
Display 144hz acer predator
OS windows 10
Antivirus windows defender
CD/DVD none
Mouse razer naga/steelseries rival 650
Mousepad Digimon cardpad/Heavy Q+
Keyboard Razer huntsman
Headphones Steelseries arctis 7
Drink Strawberry milkshake/Beer
Food Steak and cheese sandwich
Movie Spiderman: into the spiderverse
Music Rock/Rap/good
Song Alive by tyron brigs/ ACDC/ black and white MJ
Book Solo leveling/sherlock holmes
Book author Chu-Gong/Sir arthur conan doyle
Person Stan Lee
Actor / Actress Samuel L Jackson
Car Audi I8
Sport Gaming/Rugy/Football
Athlete Usain bolt
Map Nuketown/Rust
Clan StruggleVision
Game Hero Sonic/ MasterChief / Lord Tachanka
Genre FPS
Console XBOX 360
Hi nice to meet you ALL, I am Marcus or Call me Star Drago (pronunciation isn't an issue) i am a gamer an a friend above all. I stream and always game for a custom. I am normally told i'm like a puppy.

Its Nice to meet you i am A Fun guy who is here to make rude and dirty jokes while being happy. I'm a mixed race northern Irish Ghanaian gamer.
Luck is my skill but i can do have the skills and im toxic to tm8s more than enemies.