EckZacK  id: 1294759
CPU AMD Phenom2 965
RAM 4096 DDR2
Videocard Sapphire Radeon HD 5770
Soundcard on board bestimmt^^
Storage Samsung 120 GB + 500 GB + 160GB extern
Motherboard Gigabyte
Display Samsung SyncMaster 2433BW 24"
OS Win 7 home premium
Mouse Logitech G9
Mouse Skatez rotz, braucht keiner
Mousepad Steelpad QcK+
Keyboard Logitech G11
Headphones Speedlink Medusa
Connection DSL 16000 by T-Online
Drink Bier, Stroh80, Jägermeister
Food alles
Movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Music von Metal bis Volksmusik
Song Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom
Book Bildzeitung; Morgenpost^^
Book author das Leben
Person Eckzack himself
Actor / Actress J. Depp
Car BMW 330i
Sport Fussball
Athlete auf keinen Fall des Ballack-Maul
Map mp_shipment
Genre Shooter