K4M1K4Z3  id: 1327833
CPU AMD Phenom II X4 965 (4x 3.4)
RAM OCZ 4GB 1333
Videocard ATI HD 5850 (1024MB)
Soundcard Onboard Soundkarte
Storage WD 5000GB SATA
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H
Display LG Flatron 19" (2MS)
OS Windows 7 Home Premium 64Bit
Antivirus McAfee
CD/DVD LG DL Brenner
Mouse Razer Lachesis
Mouse Skatez -
Mousepad Razer Vespula
Keyboard Razer Lycosa Mirror
Headphones Speedlink 5.1
Connection Arcor 6000 Flat
Sound system SpeedLink 5.1 DB
Console(s) PS3
Mobile Phone Iphone 4G 16GB
Drink Coca Cola
Food Pizza, Chinesich, Sphagetti, Wiener Schnitzel
Movie Transformers, Next, 96Hours
Music R&B , Pop & Rock
Song Ryan Leslie - Rock U
Person Megan Fox
Car Golf 5 R32
Sport Fussball
Athlete Messi
Map de_dust2, de_cbble, de_nuke, de_aztec
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://exelance.net
Website 2 http://extown.de
All that bullshit's for the birds
You aint nothin but a vulture
Always hopin for the worst
Waiting for me to fuck up...