Hardware | |
CPU | AMD Phenom II X4 965 (4x 3.4) |
RAM | OCZ 4GB 1333 |
Videocard | ATI HD 5850 (1024MB) |
Soundcard | Onboard Soundkarte |
Storage | WD 5000GB SATA |
Motherboard | Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H |
Display | LG Flatron 19" (2MS) |
OS | Windows 7 Home Premium 64Bit |
Antivirus | McAfee |
CD/DVD | LG DL Brenner |
Mouse | Razer Lachesis |
Mouse Skatez | - |
Mousepad | Razer Vespula |
Keyboard | Razer Lycosa Mirror |
Headphones | Speedlink 5.1 |
Connection | Arcor 6000 Flat |
Sound system | SpeedLink 5.1 DB |
Console(s) | PS3 |
Mobile Phone | Iphone 4G 16GB |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Coca Cola |
Food | Pizza, Chinesich, Sphagetti, Wiener Schnitzel |
Movie | Transformers, Next, 96Hours |
Music | R&B , Pop & Rock |
Song | Ryan Leslie - Rock U |
Person | Megan Fox |
Car | Golf 5 R32 |
Sport | Fussball |
Athlete | Messi |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_dust2, de_cbble, de_nuke, de_aztec |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://exelance.net |
Website 2 | http://extown.de |
All that bullshit's for the birds You aint nothin but a vulture Always hopin for the worst Waiting for me to fuck up... |