Hardware | |
CPU | AMD Sempron 3300+ |
RAM | 1024 MB DDR RAM |
Videocard | GeForce 7300 GT 512 MB |
Soundcard | 4.1 System |
Storage | 1x 160 GB IDE + 1x 160 GB SATA + 1x 250 GB SATA |
Motherboard | WinFast |
Display | Fujitsu Siemens 17" TFT |
OS | Microsoft Windows XP Professional |
Antivirus | Avira |
CD/DVD | LG DobbleLayer 16x DVD Brenner |
Mouse | Logitech Lazer G5 |
Mousepad | RAPTOR-GAMING |
Keyboard | Logitech G15 |
Headphones | Speed-LINK Medusa 5.1 |
Connection | T-DSL 16000 |
Joypad | eBay 10 € Teil :P |
TV | Irgend ein Ding von Quelle Market! |
Sound system | 5.1 System von Redstar |
Console(s) | PlayStation, XboX |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Jack Cola |
Food | Nudeln aller Art |
Movie | The Fast & the Furious 1 + 2 |
Music | Linkin Park & Trance |
Song | Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit |
Person | Ich ;) |
Actor / Actress | Nicolas Cage |
Car | VW Jetta (dt. Vento) |
Sport | Skateboarden |
Athlete | Rodney Mullen |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_tides, de_dust |
Clan | EnRo |
Player | el3m3nt |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | ORC |
Genre | Action |
Console | XboX 360 |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.exeirc.net |
Website 2 | http://www.ua-esports.de |
Website 3 | http://www.elementz.org |
Website 4 | http://www.game-point.eu |
■ SteamID: 0:1:6880397 | Inaktiv [√] ■ LoL Game Accounts: ├► [EUW] LS CrimeJayM | Aktiv [√] ├► [EUNE] LS nOx └► Creator of the "CrimeBot" from PVP.net |